Commenting... again...

So... maybe this has been said here for 300 times before, but honestly, I'm not gonna search for it and anyways I'm just sorta stating my recent wishes. ^^

Three things,
1) The Comment section under every profile or project or board post would be much more organised if you could reply to a comment directly, like in youtube for example. It's a bit frustrating if I post a question about a project and have to digg it up from the list every time and then browse through every answer the person made on her own project to find "mine". Plus, it would make discussions easier.

2) If that first thing went through, maybe it would be nice to have some sort of action box on your profile that shows who has posted a reply, either on your projects or on a comment you posted. I keep searching the projects I commented because I'm curious if someone reacted, and I want to keep in touch with some discussions, but it's extremely time consuming to search all the time.
( I know there is a general action box on the projects page, but honestly I never look at it because it's completely random to me. It's the same with the "feed" thingy on the profiles. This page is totally useless to me. :/ )

3) I would -love- to be able to DISable the fact that I get e-mails for every single favorite. Mails about comments and versions are super, but honestly, the favorite-mails are just spamming my account and my other mails don't get through if I'm not clearing my mail every two days ( which I don't do. ) In the account settings, I checked the "Email me... When there are new comments and versions of my projects" box. Aaaand that's sorta what I'd like to get. ^^

Oh, and a fourth thing, I'd love to be able to delete and edit my comments and delete comments that were made on my projects ( e.g. double posts or just those that... need to be deleted... *harrumphs* )

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0 replies since 19th October 2010 • Last reply 19th October 2010
