PDF For FABRIC Brochure by Cat Morley?


thats the project above and a girl on there commented and said click pdf here in the description box well on my computer it isnt clickable it just had the url or embedd code then it says pdf here.{sigh i wanna make this project} anyonee whose made it or Cat Morley please reply with help.

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3 replies since 13th August 2010 • Last reply 13th August 2010

Just highlight the bit that starts with http:// to the bit that ends .pdf then copy and paste it into the URL bar. I've made it a clickable link for you here though because I don't think HTML is working in the projects at the moment. I think they're working on it though Happy

<a href="http://images.cutoutandkeep.net/photos/howto/misc/fabricbrochure/brochure.pdf">http://images.cutoutandkeep.net/photos/howto/misc/fabricbrochure/brochure.pdf</a>

Hope this helps, enjoy doing your project!

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Just so you know, Cat Morley is Crafterella =) in case you ever need to get in touch with her quickly

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Opps sorry they seemed to go missing but I've reuploaded them here:

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