Version not getting approved

Hi hi,

I posted up a 'version' of a skirt someone made a how to for and it doesn't seem to be getting approved to be published.

There is nothing offensive in my project description, it's obviously a version of her work and yet it just sits there?
What's gone wrong? Happy

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3 replies since 11th August 2010 • Last reply 11th August 2010

Nothing's gone wrong, sometimes it takes a while. I had a how to that took nearly a week to get approved and other things that have gone up in a couple of hours.
It'll get there, don't worry=)

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That's everything we had in-progress approved, so has your one been published? If not, you may not have clicked the published button!

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Well, it said it was waiting to be published and the only option I had was an EDIT button, so I've editted it and re-selected publish Happy and got the message:

Thanks! Your project has been published and will appear on the site soon."

Hopefully that means it went through ok.

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