Posts by Kin Dragon
I'm a nail polish hoarder!!!! And I use them in my crafts
What I like to do with spair paper is use it to paste in a journal or sketch book to cover up mistakes or as an add in page, or if I hate the color of the paper, I fold it into an origami creation and paint it to be the color I want it to be.
If you want I can show you how to make extra/add on pages in a book
Congrats I know the feeling because I recently was proposed to and need help deciding things too
I'm from Texas too. And wow! You own your own boutique! That's impressive!
Hi guys,
I don't know if I told you but I wrote about an big injustice I faced in high school, and I sent it to this websites zine, and shortly after that a film director I draw concept art for wanted to see it. So I showed him it and he made it into a short film. I was and still am very happy about it. We even made a commentary of the film. And I just saw it, and I loved it so much I almost cried tears of joy.
Here is a link to the commentary:
Feel free to commit on YouTube and on this board about it. I really think this needs more attention for its greatness and the film director should get some praise too.
Please and thank you,
Hi, love your screen name by the way
Hi I'm Kin Dragon like the title says, and I do alittle bit if everything craft wise
I want to make a manga but am afraid that it will be another project I won't finish. Can everyone pray that I can do this?
you could try my idea back before i got my ears pierced, i hung my "earrings" around my ear. I called them "hang ons"
See here:
Depends on what your crafting
Hi guys,
As you may know(or not), I'm a creative writer and I wrote a memmoir of a big injustice done to me my senior year of high school. And now I'm looking for a publishing company, I have looked far and wide but have found poorly rated publishing companies. Can anyone point me to a good nonfiction publishing company?
I wish I could help but all I can do are the fingerless gloves made from socks and even then I would need to find away to get the fabric paint to change there color