Posts by michelle G.

    I like them all, how to choose? I dunno

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    does a hope and good luck dance

    sending good vibes

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    I know. we are. lol

    I do not lie

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    Moderate: Hide this post Mark as Spam's bday party pics

    you know what, its our day right. Wear whatever shoes you want! I'm thinking my cowboy boots

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    its nice to have things thought out. I like shorter dresses, because I am only 5'3 and my bf is 5'6. So I can wear heels

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    I found a job, in the menswear department at Sears department store

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    although he is pretty lucky too...for his bday[yesterday] I got him a new pair of shoes, two new sports jackets and a few books. I made him a treat... but we treat each other

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    yeah min, my bf is a sweetie...I'm very lucky

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    it would be. But I saw a few styles when I was out today. But all were dark colours...

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    I has a nice crafting table!

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    well I got accepted to Uni! and my Bf wants to help pay for it! Thats my xmas gift!!!

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    awesome! you guys have great ideas and guess what! I got accepted to uni !!!! Going to study Religion! Woot!!!!!

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    and when I find the dress, I will post it. Saw this lovely Baby doll dress, but it was in black only

    Happy sigh. It would of been lovely

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