I know, can't wait. the spanish steps, ice cream, coffee shops
Posts by michelle G.
I'm going to Rome for my holiday this year!!!!!! in October
awesome. I'm having a bad hair day
hi, Tara is right. Keep posting on the boards and you will meet loads of new friends. We are a great bunch here
Queen, I would love to go Austraila
I took a 3 hour nap today
lol, sorry. but it was worth it?
aww sweetie, you can do it. Take your time, breath deeply and you can conqure those hills
that would be great, to work at a zoo
ooh sea world, sounds fun
I am enjoying chocolate and cola
sounds fun
congrats queen,
It was a nice warm day today, I went over to see a friend, then picked up my boyfriend a muffin and coffee
ooh sounds amazing