Posts by Ariel B.

    That looks COLORFUL! I'm excited. =)

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    I'm glad you like it! It doesn't get much more American! =P

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    I like the Vampire Diaries books. =)
    We could do a monster swap =O

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    Mary- you are so cute.
    I got your package!! I am in love with my HP stationery, of course!! I'm very impressed on how well you thought out the crests' positioning. It takes me to a depth of HP even I hadn't thought of! I'm excited to use these new pencils- I never spend the money on anything fancier than what you can get a pack of 10 for a dollar. =P
    The envelopes have a wonderful story! When I send them, I'll be sure to include their history. =)
    The blank journal is wonderful- you did an excellent job! And we usually just write our names in our books jere rather than have a sticker for it- I love them! Thank you so much =)
    <img src=>
    <img src=>

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    I got my package from Kasia! I absolutely love it. I love love love the tote and pin. Question: is the keychain a mail box? Because ours are NOT that cool! Haha.
    <img src=>

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    I'm here I'm here I'm here!!!

    Sign Up

    Name: Ariel
    Country: USA
    Ship Internationally: Yes, please!
    Favorite things about Harry Potter (please include house and character) : GRYFFINDOR!! Ron/Hermione. Ron! Fred, George, Harry, Hermione, Sirius, Neville, Luna, Hagrid. Hedwig, Buckbeak, Crookshanks, Norbert(a), other magical animal (but NOT Scabbers!) I'm a Beater in Quidditch. Um... I love most HP things!
    Something you would not like to receive: Golden Snitch jewelry, Luna earrings. I already have these!

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    Pammerz will post by July 11th probably since sign ups will be over.
    ...what are you confused about.

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    The swap between Kiddo and I has been completed, I just haven't posted any good pictures yet. It was WONDERFUL!

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    Libby- Mom was nervous making the matchbox. I thought it was adorable!!

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    MARY! I assumed it got lost in the mail. I'm sooo glad you liked it! I took a while brainstorming and going through books to use on that one! I'm looking very forward to the stationery. You should be getting yours soon as well. =)

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    I want this to happen so badly. Asdfghjkl;

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    Oh. And we should list fav characters and items. Items being what they'd like to receive/give like notebooks, plushies, jewelry, etc. =)
    in Ariel's mind, there are 7864337896433567 varieties of hp goodies. =D

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    Either date works for me. You can count me in.
    I am so pumped for this.

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    I'm sitting with Mum (Ursula B) and she says (@Dragonfly):

    I'm so glad you liked it! I was worried they'd melt before they got to you, but I'm glad they came ok. Looking forward to seeing your package when I get home!

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    Send out in late August?!

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