Recycled boxes...I have so many boxes within boxes within boxes....all of them are old salad boxes and Amazon boxes...and mooncake box tins for my finished clay charms. If you're working with clay you could also get a tile or cutting board to work on so it's pretty easy to transport.
Posts by Ammelanoleuca
SJSU? My friend goes there for civil engineering
I, like you, didn't really try out stuff until late into high school (except high school was a sort of arts superpower but wasn't really good for other programs)...
I guess, no matter what you decide to major in, it doesn't necessarily determine exactly what type of career you get.
I'm a first year environmental science major now, but I'm interested in minoring engineering (because...I like to craft, hence MAKE stuff)....but with my major, even though it seems like it sounds like I'm limited myself to science, I found out there SO many different paths I could take: business, engineering, law, policy, research, or even some combination of a few things. I could even go into the arts, like.....working on science TV programs since that's how I kinda found out I loved things that were in a fuzy area of the hard and soft sciences (...or, I guess the most random career I've heard was "sparkling winemaker" ...apparently an alumni at my school became one and my college decided that it was important enough to include in the careers of alumni list, hahahaha! And science not fun? I've had professors and TA's (is that what you call them? My school's a special snowflake and we call them GSI's) who've traveled and worked with people as well as out in nature in Malaysia, China, Ecuador, etc. to do research! Another professor often goes to third world countries (especially one country in South America and another in Africa, I can't remember which ones at the moment), sometimes with students, and they get to work in the field actually with the people there to figure out water sanitation issues. And history, what about archaeology? You'll get to discover things about people who existed so many years ago, and find things that haven't been touched in hundreds, thousands of years! Perhaps it's just the thrill of finding something that no one has ever discovered before that excites me, or getting to help others make the world a better place...
At the beginning of the year, I really did want to transfer majors to engineering just for job security (and, again, because I like MAKING stuff....), but after actually talking to advisers and upper classmen and professors and graduate students, I feel a lot more comfortable with what I've chosen to major in.
I guess the only thing I could say is to still just try out new stuff, talk to professors, talk to advisers, talk to more experienced students already declared with a set major, and see what they do and if anything interests you. Even if their work doesn't SPECIFICALLY interest you but you're kinda interested in the field, ask if they know anything about what you're actually interested in. Pretty likely they'll have colleagues that actually are doing stuff you'll be interested in, and you'll have more chances to get to see what you like
Mine is ...still really haven't figured out how to use it yet....
Bay Area!
I found that on looks like it might be close to the look you're going for with the colors you chose
I've been having the same problem for the past week D:
Just a hello kitty cupcake with peppermint hot chocolate's a bit of a joke between my friends...our birthdays are 2 days apart and on my 16th birthday we didn't have a 7am class (the teacher canceled without telling us), so we went to the gas/petrol (?...I'm American, so....gas?) station next to my school and she bought a donut with Christmas colored sprinkles and treated it like a b-day cake along with peppermint hot cocoa

Vicky Ninja, saymynameangelapayne: Dr. Who's one of the main shows that got me really into science (along with Design Squad, Nature, NOVA, National Geographic...) and building things (hence, engineering ). I love how so much of the stuff on the set is all handmade from random stuff that's just lying around
Devilish Angel: We should be best friends! I'm an environmental science major now, and for some time wanted to be a biologist of aquarist at the Monterrey Bay Aquarium...until an overload of biology in high school (3 yrs!) killed bio for me ...I still have no idea what I want to do with my major, but...I have a over a year to decide what I want to focus's just so very broad!
My high school French teacher has a cat named Moustache that she used to bring in lol
I have a tutorial for something similar to the cake
I guess tips I didn't mention there would be to:
-scratch the clay in circular motions to texture it
-make the inner frosting layers bigger than I did in my tutorial
-use a cookie cutter rather than roll everything out free-handed like i did so you won't have to flatten it afterwards to make it even (it makes a big difference: without, and with:
-spread the TLS further down the side of the cake
Megan B. : Maybe it's the temperature of the oven? I remember some of the old stuff I made use to be soft over time, but then I slowly started turning up the oven a few degrees above the recommended setting until it seemed like it would harden best without burning.
Tips, um...I guess it depends on what you're making....when I first started I usually looked on youtube for tutorials (especially Gentlemanbunny, sugarcharmshop. and toniellison....tumblr's a pretty good resource for ideas, too, but most people who post their tutorials on tumblr link them to deviantart....on tumblr there's smallcreations [who also has a youtube with tutorials] and bon-appeteats )...
A lot of tools can be common household objects. I use an x-acto knife (both as a knife and rolling pin), toothpicks and sewing needles for texturing, metal yarn needles for mixing TLS and clay and smoothing things out, and the rounded end of a pin (or also old ball shaped earrings) as dotting tools (I think there's a tutorial somewhere on here...).
You could also buy the dotting tools everyone uses from amazon for around $2, and the purple (or are they yellow...?) sculpting tool set with a rolling pin from Sculpey for I think under $5, but I think there's more fun in figuring out what works best around the house that you can get for free before buying expensive sculpting tools (go figure....I'm trying to be an engineer )
But definitively look at smallcreations on tumblr because she usually uses cheaper tools (like foil and orange sticks) and craftcandies on wordpress, who shows a lot of methods to use cheaper materials
Oh! Gentlemanbunny makes food and miniature sculptures, toniellision makes a lot of miniature food, sugarcharmshop mostly did tutorials on food, smallcreations does mini food and sculpture too, craftcandies does a lot of cake tutorials and sculptures in bottles, and bon-appeteats does miniature food. If you're looking to do larger sculpting, some people have recommended TheBroodingTom on youtube...
Sorry if that's not really what you're looking for in terms of tips ....I usually learn quickly by just watching or looking at pictures of steps, but you can ask me if you want more specific advice
I'm curious about etsy and stuff, too.....I think I asked something similar before and someone answered with making only around $300 a year (college tuition ...but every little bit helps)...
I remember in high school a lot of students sold 'black market' things like cheesecake, candy, brownies, and cupcakes to fundraise for big trips, like our French class's trip to France and Spain or the band and choir tours (which usually cost around $1,000, but they also worked at concession stand fundraisers as a non-profit group, them less than minimum wage for the amount of work they did). One of my friends sold lollipops made from candy melts the last few months to help pay for dorming this semester, which I think got her somewhere between $100-200...
There's also paid internships for high school students. Sure, they usually pay just minimum wage, but they also look pretty good on college apps (like, I used to volunteer at a local science center and they gave us the option for applying for a paid internship after fulfilling 150 hours of service)...a lot of people at my high school also found summer (paid!) internships at local hospitals
I have one It's panda31415
I use it for craft's still kinda under construction until finals are over with but I have a few videos up
Let me know your crafting account name when you make it
hmmmm....I'm not even sure where the file downloads are on the site now that they've changed it o.O...
but I know this pattern by Breanna B.:
is just located in the instructions section, and this pattern by gwenstella: apparently had a bug 3 years ago, but the owner posted this link with the pattern: