Posts by Ammelanoleuca


    If you want it to look iridescent, maybe watered down metallic/pearl acrylic paint? The only iridescent glaze I know uses chunks of glitter, and just looks like this: or (or just an overload of glitter, but if that's the finish you like, it's delta ceramcoat sparkle glaze, but you'll need to do many very thin coats because it tends to get sticky if you paint it too thickly) Many people glaze polymer clay with varathane (as seen here

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    I looked into it and wanted to last year (mostly for the hacking, tinkering, and discovery part), but it seems like every day you get a new simple project to do and you get to see a google hangout from someone who's been doing that particular project for a long time

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    I'm not sure how your online class is set up or whether or not it's similar, but I took college level astronomy online while I was in high school...we had to make board posts and go through other board posts and comment on them, and our professor was really involved with what we had to say. I did usually procrastinate until the last minute for a lot of assignments, though. I think using apps that'll block certain websites while you're studying will be helpful, and try to write out "Today I will do ______" in terms of reading and hw problems for every day. I ended up getting an A due to extra credit, and the fact that I volunteered at a space camp that summer, so that kept me kinda interested. I suppose what kept me motivated most in that class was being forced to interact with other students so often, and having a lot of interaction with the instructor.

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    it should download as a file? that's what it does on my galaxy tab 2...

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    I think I have the same problem as you...most people always tell me "oh, it's a phase" or "oh, I was really quiet back ____", and they're the most outgoing person in the room x__x

    I have many of the symptoms for selective mutism, but I suppose I'm trying to overcome it by opening up to small groups of people ("safe space, brave space" type groups especially Happy ), and I've been getting a bit better with talking to strangers...there's still situations where I meet people and have no clue how to act around them and end up just really socially awkward. I also tend to not be able to speak with older family members for some reason...

    I tend to be able to speak out if it's involving something I'm passionate about...for an internship last year I had to help lead a meeting, which was fine, except when I had to call the room to attention it was like "ack!?!?!" because I wasn't able to bring myself to yell over, still working on it

    ...but Hi! Let's get to a comfortable point in terms of outgoing-ness together!

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    Our school used to wait a really long time to do maintenance on our field, so whenever they finally mowed it we had huge piles of dried grass to play with Happy

    It doesn't snow here, so we made forts out of that grass and had grass ball fights 8D

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    It's a term given to bracelets made out of pony beads worn/exchanged, at...well, erm...raves.

    ...I'll leave other users to explain raves to you, since you've stated in other posts that you're among the younger users and raves (at least from what my friends who have gone tell me) tend to involve drug use, and I've never been to one myself.

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    are you talking about the one that starts out like this?

    You need a facebook account to open it....after liking the page click download, and it would either save as a pdf, or, since I'm using chrome, open in a new tab as a pdf

    Medium crafterella
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    this blog has a lot of cute bento ideas for packed lunches, she even has "kid-friendly" boxes that look like they might be healthier than her more artistic ones

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    You could probably make these cuff links with polymer clay or shrink plastic:

    I've also seen circuit board phone cases for sale, but perhaps it'll be less dangerous to use printed paper to look like a circuit board and this tutorial from epbot:

    You could probably adapt this into something just as geeky and probably a bit more relevant with dollar store glasses, stencils, and a tutorial like this:

    You could also use one of the many sceen printing/T-shirt stenciling tutorials on CO+K to make a knock off of something like this:,210147229&utm_content=10463747&utm_medium=affiliate&PID=6673042&utm_campaign=none&utm_source=cj&utm_term=2047890

    Or...a bit like Syeyon's idea with using food, you could make a bento box that looks like a circuit board (rice with a single big square of green seaweed and details made in cheese)

    or maybe just a big craft kit organizer box (or DIY your own organizational system with wood or cardboard, you could even paint or decoupage all the little parts that go in each compartment) full of salvaged/scrap electronics parts (like LED's and circuit boards and soldering materials)

    Hopefully that helps....all the engineers I know, even if they do sometimes keep to themselves, are all really outgoing and many are active in K-12 outreaching programs like SWE or a robotics program created by Tau Beta Pi

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    I've used Justine's technique to make curly yarn hair for a cornhusk doll, but If you want larger curls, perhaps a small curling iron and plastic based yarn?

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    Definitely a Ravenclaw. My elementary school teacher used to have a Hogwarts themed summer daycare program, and would even sort us all into houses and count up House points based on tasks like picking up after snack time and lunch, or winning 'Quidditch' games (not the official version played by a lot of colleges...more like field hockey played with broom-shaped sticks and a soccer ball with a small yellow bouncy ball snitch flying through the court, and beach ball bludgers...I was seeker Happy). Even though she sometimes sorted the same people into different houses each year, I always ended up in Ravenclaw. After Luna came into the books, I felt better about never being a Gryffindor (for some reason, she would always put SOOOO many people into Gryffindor, only slightly less in Hufflepuff and Slytherin, and only a few people in Ravenclaw). With your description, I'd say she was right, though...10 years later, I fit the Ravenclaw description now more than ever.

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    EpicVegie!: It's so ironic that you have both Tamora Pierce and Twilight, since she's written on livejournal and said in interview on why she dislikes it, but YES, Tammy Pierce books are THE BEST!

    There's also Nancy Springer's Rowan Hood series about Robin Hood's daughter, and Enola Holmes about Sherlock Holmes younger sister and her adventures in hiding from her brothers (it focuses a lot on class and gender issues in the Victorian Era and how Enola and her runaway mother deals with them).

    I've also read first Daughters of the Sea book by Kathryn Lasky, but that was years ago (I liked Guardians of Ga'Hoole back in elementary school). It was about a girl who discovers she's a mermaid, and also goes a bit into social class issues (since she's an orphan and a serving girl for a rich family).

    And of course, the original Sherlock Holmes series by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Oh, and also Gerald Morris's A Squire's Tale series based off of the King Arthur Legends Happy

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    No fantasy D:

    I really like Sold and Purple Heart by Patricia McCormick. Sold is about a young Nepalese girl from a rural community sold into prostitution in India. I never really thought about human trafficking until reading that book. It isn't so much the story but the way the author makes you want to learn more and do your own research and figure out how you can help expose the problematic business of human trafficking that I find it great.

    I remember reading someone complaining about the 'American Hero' perspective of the story, since the characters tended to see Americans as their saviors for trying to sneak condoms and other forms of birth control to the prostitutes if they couldn't take them away all together, but...since it's the media that the girls are exposed to while at the brothel making them see Americans as the way they are, and since it's in the perspective of a young girl who only knows so much because of the world she's been forced into, I find the portrayal accurate.

    Purple Heart is about a soldier who wakes up injured with slight amnesia in Iraq, and the internal conflicts he faces with the robotic life of a soldier, as well as having the natural human impulses to be compassionate and having emotions (having met and become friends with some of the local children in the place he was stationed at before the disaster that caused his injuries).

    If you like Phantom, Sherlock Holmes is also great (is it weird, as much as I like the new adaptations for it, I love the original Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories and Jeremy Brett tv show versions of it more?)!

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    I don't really think it's like pinterest at all. Like Monika, I mostly use it for mostly politics. I'm an intern for a progressive multicultural org at my school, so as of lately we've been campaigning for our senate candidates. Honestly, I've only ever used it for school clubs and orgs and communicating with people/publicizing for events/panels/rallies/meetings/etc., even while in high school. A lot of people treat it as a blog and post about every second of their lives, though...

    edit: I forgot, it's useful for free/cheaper textbooks Tongue

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