Posts by Cat Morley

    Nerds were good, not sure what winterfresh gum is though?

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    Yeah, I had some of the new Star Wars models and they would never have fit in to a pill bottle.

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    Hey Greg, your life sounds so cool. Welcome to the site xo

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    We've had a few people test the project adder and it's going pretty well. We wont put up a link to it on the main site yet, but if you would like to add your own projects you can.

    1) First of all, you need to make sure you're signed in.

    2) Go <a href="">here</a> and click 'New Project'.

    3) Type in the name of your project and click 'save', if you get an error at this point, it's probably because the project name you entered is already in use (we'll work out a way to fix this eventually, but for now try a slightly different name).

    4) You will then be directed to a page where you can type in your instructions and upload photos. Add the main image for your project by clicking on the big photo, you can upload several main images of your completed project, but only the selected one will appear on the main site at the moment. Eventually, when we fix up multiple image displaying, all of the photos you have uploaded will appear on the main site.

    5) Add a description of your project in the 'summary box'. (Every time you type something in, you can click away from the text area, the 'save button' will turn green and you can save your progress.)

    6) Enter your step by step instructions, clicking 'new step' every time you want to need a new step and upload your step photos by clicking on the relevant 'photo box'. It will scale your photos automatically, but if you're uploading big photos, it may take a few minutes. You can continue to add to your project, add new steps and add 'what you will needs' while the photos are uploading without effecting their progress.

    7) Add all the items you will need for the project by clicking the 'add' button on the receipt / what you will need box. Type in the required and then push 'add' , it will search through the Craftopedia and bring up a list of similar sounding items. If the item you typed is there, click on it and it will be added to the receipt. At the moment, clicking the 'add to Craftopedia' button doesn't work - so if it doesn't find the item you need, type them after your description in the 'summary box' and we can add them for you.

    8) After you have added the required items to the receipt, click on an item and a box to add 'quantity', 'before' and 'after' will appear. You can use the 'before' and 'after' boxes to add further descriptions to your items. For example, you may have added beads as a required item, but you can add 'green' to the 'before' box to specify the colour.

    9) You can then select the projects budget from the drop down menu to specify the price of the materials.

    10) The last thing you need to do is set the project time using the 'clock'. Use the up and down 'arrows' inside the numbers on the clock to set the time. I tend to set the time based on how long the preparation takes, rather than adding waiting time too.

    11) When you're all read, click the 'save button' and voila, you've created a project.

    For the moment, new projects wont automatically add to the site, but we'll add them as soon as we see them. There's bound to be a few bugs and problems we haven't spotted, so the best thing to do is leave a little note here. It's really helpful if you can tell us what browser type and version you're using, so that we can check it out from your perspective. Also, comments on bits you found tricky and how we could improve it and make it easier would be very helpful.

    Anyway, don't worry too much, have a play and see how you get on. <a href="">Click here to get started and add a project</a>.

    Thanks xo

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    Aww, it's sweet, she's going to love it.

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    I bought My Friend Leonard for Tom, because he liked Million Little Pieces so much. I don't think he's read it yet though.

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    Yeah, not that I'd ever try it, but that totally puts you off even thinking about trying it.

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    Yeah, I've drilled through dice before. It's best to go through one of the dots at an angle, so that you come out of a dot on the other side. It's much easier to start with the 1 dot and come out of one of the 6 dots.

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    Yeah, I'm sure you can still get them. Tesco had them the last time I was there. They are super yummy Happy

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    Awesome, take photos if you can Happy

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    Anyone get tickets to see them?

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    That's a great idea, thanks Tucker

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    Remember to show us see the cat toys turn out, if you make them Happy

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    Yeah, I just read that about Britney losing her kids, it's completely mad. Her career must be over by now, surely?

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    I don't think it's a particularly special Bank Holiday, just some local holiday of sorts.

    Even if you can only get a cheap, boring bento box, you could decorate it with Hello Kitty and make it pretty.

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