Posts by aneniine

    I'd like to go to England, Scotland, Ireland and North America. As to tropical places, I'd go to Egypt! Happy

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    Come ooonnnn peopleee....Any suggestions where to look atleast? That would be great. Oh,yeah, I checked Ravelry already, it's not there.

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    Awhile ago I started to knit a poncho with various yarns. And it happens that I ran out yellow yarn in the last few rows.
    It is Red Heart Livia yarn, and I can't find it anywhere! It can't be found in the shop I bought it from, and it can't be fund even on the official Red Heart page! I looked all over internet and I can't find it.
    The only place I found information about it is here:

    But I'd like to buy it, so I could finally finish my project!

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    Well, I made my own blog on Blogger, it's free and I think it's pretty much easy to set it up! Plus, there's a variety of design templates to choose from, if you don't know how to modify things yet.
    There's also other blogging platforms to choose from, but I haven't really checked these out, so I can't give you much advice about them!
    Apart from wich site to choose (others here might help you), here's some useful links that might give you some tips for starting blogging:

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    Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm also on Bloglovin'! Happy Just in case you can't follow me on Blogger.

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    You're welcome! Happy

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    You have an awesome blog! Happy I hope you will get more followers! (That counts to anyone else aswell)

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    Hello! Happy I'd follow you, but you don't have a follow button also!

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    @thelittlevampirebat Oh, you don't have a 'follow me' button! You can find it under widgets in the layout section. Happy

    And don't forget to follow me back, everyone! Happy

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    Hello! Happy I'm now following you!

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    If you still want a plastic case, eBay is full of them! If you're lucky, you might even get one for $0,01 with free shipping!

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    These are from the movie Project X, I think they're great party starters!

    “Pursuit of Happiness” Steve Aoki Dance Remix | Kid Cudi
    “Heads Will Roll” A-Trak Remix | Yeah Yeah Yeahs

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    Well you don't have to paste it, you can just right-click on 'follow link' also.

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    Hello! Happy

    If you ask me, I will tell you what my brother told me about my blog. He's kind of my blog's manager who tells me what's wrong.
    First, you could use some more gadgets, like most popular posts or as Syeyon said, a translator, this could let people from other countries read your blog, too!
    My brother told me to use simpler background, I had bright, shocking orange polka dots before, and now I use simple crumpled paper backround. I must say, it really made difference! Happy
    Anyways, I want you to know that your blog is awesome, it has all the chances to become popular!
    Keep on blogging!

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    Hello! Happy I couldn't find the 'follow' button on your blog!

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