Yay! It is! Thank you.
Posts by aneniine
Now I pressed Publish through the old site. The new button don't seem to work for me, but I think it will be fine with this project I was talking about. It now says Awaiting Approval.
And I checked pending projects and it isn't there, but I clicked 'publish' two times.
It still isn't published.
I wanted to post a tutorial from my blog to CO+K, so I made a new How-To (on Friday,I think) and it still isn't published. I even pressed publish button again. Is it ever going to be published? I really want it to be.
So,i went to CO+K now,and there was one of those "friendly" messages. The user (jane j.) wanted me to contact her through email and send me her picture. Im not going to respond to this message,because its suspicious for me. Has anyone had messages like this sent to them?
It's in the 'Me Make Monster!' contest, the Dinosaur plushie. I just don't think it matches the monster theme enough altough i could let it eneter the contest. Ok, maybe don't remove it.
I want to know how to remove a project from contest page. I entered 3 times already, but i wanted to remove one project and change it to another.I clicked the little 'x' next to my project picture but it got me to a page that says 'Sorry, that page wasn't found.' What can i do?
Same for me. I go to some user's page to say 'thank you for the fave' but it says i haven't logged in. Same problem as for Laurel.
Or don't type anything there at all. Im sure you did everything right.
Just type in your current password where it says "change your password".
Yaaaaaay! It's working again!
I just wanted to publish a huge how-to and i can't do it because im having the same problem! :O
I like the new look profiles,but maybe there could be a bit larger profile pics? If that's possible,of course.