Posts by DarkAshHurts

    Make a bucket of red dye, & a bucket of black. Put a tight rubber band around the middle "crotch" area where the colors would meet... This might help keep it from running together. Dip one leg into the black dye up to the rubber band, until desired color. Ring out the excess water. Make sure to keep the other leg from getting wet.
    Then repeat for the red side.
    Hang it on a clothesline or on newspaper outside to completely dry, making sure the legs dont touch eachother. Then take rubberband off & wash them.
    Hope this helped. White jeans or leggings would help bring out the color better too.

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    My nicknames from my family are too embarrassing to tell anyone! Hahahahaha

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    I just got an iPad for Christmas, & it has become so helpful!!!
    I also mostly use images & screenshots to take pics of things I want to make, or inspiration. I use google images, YouTube, & co+k. Most of my pic folders are just crafts! Haha It's so nice being able to access them at any moment & take them anywhere.

    I really hate how poor quality iPad camera photos are tho. I'm planning to buy the USB port adapter, that hooks to your iPad, so I can use my camera again.

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    This sounds similar to a few relationships I've had in the past...& none of them ended well. So I can only offer you some advice & food for thought.
    1) I've had relationships with 2 "druggies". Both only cared about the drugs in the end, more then anything, including me. Even if they didnt do it often at all & were getting professional help, they still didnt treat ME the way they should have. Why? Bc drug addicts are not prepared to take care of anything/anybody until they take care of themselves first & their habit. Sure they were good, loving people, that i loved to be with, but a drug habit is a nasty disease & always gets in the way.
    2) I've also been in a lot of relationships where communication has completely died, & you feel alone in the relationship. They all also ended badly. Im not gonna sugar-coat it ....If he's not communicating or putting forth the effort to communicate with you, he honestly doesn't want to. Maybe not bc he doesn't like you, but bc his life is WAY too messed up/hectic to deal with having a girlfriend right now. He also might not be as "involved" in the relationship as you are, & is not as serious about it anymore. Sometimes guys try desperately to find a girlfriend, then once they have one, throw them away...Thinking their girl will always be there waiting. These relationships always tore me apart, bc they all said they loved me & treated me well, but never talked to me or cared about my needs after a time. So I had to do what was best for me, & find someone better & more committed.
    So basically I think it's time to let him go. But i dont know u 2, so youll have to just follow your heart & head & do what is best for YOU. If you don't want to hurt him or end it badly... Just take a "break" from the relationship & Stay good friends. Maybe in the future, when he's more settled, you can start being with eachother again. ...or not. I'm still good friends with one of the "uncommunicative" guys. Lol we talk about everything, but i realized we'd never work out as partners.

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    Usually really puffy dresses have an layered underskirt/tutu underneath them, to make them stick out. Happy

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    Yeah it's really nice having lots of movies on hand, I'm glad.
    We closed in 2008 bc since DVDs came out, making movies cheaper, people starting buying more. & Netflix, RedBox, etc. took all our business. I do miss it a lot still.

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    My family owned a video store for 10yrs, (& i was kind of the horror critic), so I've seen most of it. Lol Now most the horror sections in my bedroom, since we closed.
    The people under the stairs in one of my favorites as well!! its so entertaining. Happy

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    Yes, getting out more would help a lot. I've been trying to work on that lately. Happy

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    Awwww all these cute stories & pictures made me all warm&fuzzy inside! i read them all. made me happier & gives me hope. Thanks guys! Your all so lucky, & have great partners.
    Sounds like I need to take some classes, party, or talk to hot musicians more often like you guys! Haha

    @plan b, I have the same problem. It's extrememly hard for me to meet/find anyone from anxiety, & when I do I fall too fast & screw it up. So your not alone!

    @Libby, good to know! Lol Almost all the people I know in real life & online are married or together , so I feel really bummed & alone a lot. But this thread made me feel better.

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    I am rather unlucky in love/relationships it seems. Lol so I thought this might help & be cool discussion...

    How did you meet your spouse/partner/boyfriend/girlfriend?
    (Add how long you've been together too!)
    Stories & mushiness welcome. Haha

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    I buy the cheap stuff lol, but Try ebay. Usually people sell used high-end makeup & perfumes for cheap. Clinique is pretty high-end & popular too, so id add them to the project too.

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    All my favorites are heavy on the gore but...Since i don't know how old you are, & you don't like that, here's some tamer ones I can recommend. None of these have very much gore, if at all. Some are more "thrillers". ("Classic" ones are great old horror everyone should see).
    More Recent: Willard, orphan, the others, silent hill (kinda fantasy-ish too), the ring, Turistas, white noise, a haunting in Connecticut, insidious, Let me in.
    Classic: Rosemary's Baby, Stephen Kings "IT" (very long, but terrifying lol), Misery, Pet Cemetery, Silence of the Lambs, Carrie, Halloween (series, kinda explicit), Childs Play (series, kinda explicit), the shining, Dawn of the dead (classic isnt Gorey at all, remake is), Poltergeist, the people under the stairs, the omen.
    Blair witch project is good the first time you watch it & believe it... But it's not good again. Lol a better movie like it is "the st. Francisville experiment", it's amazing but not easy to find.

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    I've only ever used plaster. But i remember when covering wire, you have to make sure to pull the strips tight across the wire on the first few layers, so it won't show as much. ...don't know if that works for paper tho.

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    I sell at street fairs near me, but I've never had to have a business license? I just have to pay for the booth space. Try calling the # for the event & ask what you need to sell there.
    For online selling you could also check out Etsy.
    As for storage, you could put them all in storage bins in a closet? Lol All my plushies just clutter all over my room.

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    It looks great on you! Wow that was a bargain price too. Lol lucky. :p

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