Posts by ChristineMarie

    have you heard of the making your own with fabric. the kind that you can remove at any time and can make whatever kind you want?? you should so look into that. that way you can have whatever kind you want and they can be changed out whenever you want Happy

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    well i have tried everything. my daughter for some reason had a green crayon in her pants pocket. needless to say it got washed with the clothes and EVERYTHING including the black clothing has GREEN on it >.< does anyone know how to get crayon outta clothing or is it just destined to have some weird green crap on it Tongue

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    ive tried a a few of those(the vinegar, the borax solution, cinnamon, citrus oil, citrus cleaner, baking soda, orange peel, cucumber) and they didnt work >.< i wonder if beeer will work for ants?? it works for rollie pollies eating the strawberrries

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