Posts by ChristineMarie

    I think as stated above different themes would be easier than profiles. I mean nobody will really want to go searching through a bunch of profiles(if it picks up) just to find someone that fits them. I have yet to swap or sign up to swap here because there aren't enough guidelines and I don't want to be the person who messes up and doesn't sends enough lol
    It needs like a requirement section for each swap
    # of handmade items

    also maybe like facebook groups a pinned post at the top to leave +/- feedback
    I am unsure if these message boards can be made this way but comment+1 or -1 and have someone to update the total at the top.

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    The swaps need to come back!!! Shock

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    supernatural swap?? Happy

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    this^^^^ lol

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    would anyone from another country like to swap coins to make projects from?? i'm from the U.S. and i would really like to make some jewelry with some foreign coins Happy if so msg me plz

    Thanks Happy

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    i've been on a lot of sites that weren't so friendly and would attack you for asking questions so i wasnt sure lol also where do i find a newbie vet swap?? >.<

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    first off I've never done a swap or whatever so i don't know if i can even post this because these boards and what not are kinda confusing. lol. but anyways. . .

    okay so i don't know if there are mail policies or anything about this or whatever but i was wondering if anyone from a foreign country would like to swap just like coins for projects. i'm from the U.S. and like i said i'm not sure about the policy on mailing coins or whatever but if anyone would like to swap coins that would be awesome. Happy

    if i cant post this just tell me and ill delete it(if there is a way) or an admin can delete it

    Thanks lovely people Happy

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