Whoa, I didn't know we had American style frosting.
Do you mean like the kind we buy in the store that comes in a little plastic container?
Posts by Eien
I keep anything I think has a use. What I don't realize is that keeping it around does cost me something.... SPACE.
I just cleaned out my bathroom cabinet and holy crap it looks so much better. I threw out a lot of old stuff and random receipts in there.
If you feel blah, clean up clutter. It's so freeing.
I would like to taste deer one day. I wonder if I would like it. Roast sounds like a good way to have it.
I made delicious turkey noodle soup yesterday. It was my first try and during the Turkey Day shopping I bought noodles for the leftovers to convince myself to make it. It's easy! I wish I took pictures to post it as a project here. I had two bowls and plenty was left but Peter came home and ate it ALL. But he called me at work and thanked me. Gonna try chicken next.
<img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y183/viberaphon/webitems/IMG_3014.jpg" border="0" alt=""></a>