Worst first kiss
Uh, I hate love! This guy from my school likes me, he's a year older and i felt sorry for him cause he likes me so i gave him a tiny peck on the lips, my first kiss ):, and I came up with all these excuses why i cant go out with him like i cant date till high school, which where true, but he's still like il wait and crap. I mean, im not that pretty! I don't even know the guy! I hate this because he's like I like you and i hate this whole situation because im 12!!!!!!! I dont want a boyfriend, i dont want him! I'm considering just starting a rumor im a lesbian so he'll get off my back! Tonight was my last concert of the year and it was supposed to be awesome and instead it turned into the day i had the worst first kiss ever! I shouldn't have kissed him! I just wanted to know what it was like and now i hate that i did that because i just lead him on! I hate me. I'm never wearing a padded bra to school again, and i'm wearing a really ill-fitting shirt too. I at least would have preferred a guy my age like me! I feel smothered ):
ok don't do the lesbian commet (i had similar situation last year my senior year and it well just got worse) my friend said i was a lesbian and we were dating and i got the know the guy and he was nice we dated it ended badly but that was cause of me, but maybe just try getting to know him tell him you just want to be friends(and make it clear that you mayy never be more than friends) and then if you like him then you can go tht route, but if not you can say you wouldn't want to date because it would jeporadize your friendship.
i hope you get this situated i know how horrible it can feel being in this kind of situation
I think, well done you for going for it, it might not be special but you went for it and now you have this mad memory of the last concert...rock n roll lol
Be glad you learnt this lesson now not 5 years or so down the line when its more then kissing you regret.
Tell him straight what you want...or don't want. Do not start a lesbian rumour, it will haunt you for years and you won't find a guy when you do want a boyfriend. A rumour was started about me like that half way through school and it lasted till I left!
I agree with queen. people spread rumors about me in hight school, and 7 years later, they still think that about me
Lesbian rumors are not cool, I had a rumor started in sixth grade that I was a lesbian and dating my best friend and it lasted until the end of last year and it was not fun.
Just tell him straight, sure you might hurt his feelings but at least you won't be confusing him.
Ok I'm just being really weird about all this BS. I hate being a teenager. And queenfairypants, sorry, it was a band concert at my school, i'm such a nerd : D I wont start the lesbian rumor unless i am, but i'm pretty sure I am strictly dickly. I like guys, just not him, so i'm just going to be honest. At least i learned this B4 anything seriouser ever happens, like queenfairypants said. At least my first kiss wasn't like my friends, where her camp boyfriend stuck his entire toung down her throat, ew. Turning this discussion in a completely different direction, whats the worst kiss you've ever had, ever. I feel bad for Melanie D: choking on toung cant be fun D:
anytime a guy sticks his tongue down right away is gross
I like proper kisses....or what we would call SNOGS! that means with tongues lol but yeh not really with the first kiss (I have made this mistake lol) and there's an art to it its not just like...licking each others faces! I'm sorry!!! lol aaaw I've kissed the same boy for almost 3 years oh yeh when you do find something proper it wipes all your other errors away
agreeded. ok snogging is great, licking??? lol. there are guy out there who do that and its like WTF
I totally agree with QFP too A good kiss from someone thats right erases any crap memories. I can remember my first kiss. I think I was about 12 and it was just wet and I felt so awful cos I felt none of the feelings I thought I was meant to feel and I didn't enjoy it at all. When I was about 21 I met someone I really liked and it felt so natural and it made sense. Most people don't have to wait that long, I was just very shy. My boyfriend now I've been with for 11 years and I can still remember my first kiss with him and again it was right and we still kiss loads and its lovely
. Basically what I'm trying to say is that it does get better but as the saying goes, you have to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince
. Please don't beat yourself up. You've done nothing wrong, you just took a chance and tried something new and found that with this particular bloke it wasn't right. With someone else it will. Also don't stop wearing the things that make you feel good, like the padded bra's cos it can be hard to feel confident about your own body and if these little things help you need to keep doing them for you.
I totally agree with QFP too A good kiss from someone thats right erases any crap memories. I can remember my first kiss. I think I was about 12 and it was just wet and I felt so awful cos I felt none of the feelings I thought I was meant to feel and I didn't enjoy it at all. When I was about 21 I met someone I really liked and it felt so natural and it made sense. Most people don't have to wait that long, I was just very shy. My boyfriend now I've been with for 11 years and I can still remember my first kiss with him and again it was right and we still kiss loads and its lovely
. Basically what I'm trying to say is that it does get better but as the saying goes, you have to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince
. Please don't beat yourself up. You've done nothing wrong, you just took a chance and tried something new and found that with this particular bloke it wasn't right. With someone else it will. Also don't stop wearing the things that make you feel good, like the padded bra's cos it can be hard to feel confident about your own body and if these little things help you need to keep doing them for you.
I wish i'd discovered padded bras at 12, they're comfy, I started wearing them at 14 they stopped everyone picking on me.
my first kiss with my boyfriend was really awkward but really cute, it was thundering and we got to his house and he said 'so what do you wanna do now?' I said 'i dunno' and then he said 'kiss?' and so i said yeh lol and it was quite awkward but sweet kissing is one of my favourite things hehe
My first kiss was slimy and gross...back then I thought it was awesome...but now I look back and I'm like that was the most disgusting kiss EVER!
But I agree...a good kiss will erase it all. HAHA!
Oh and about padded bras...when I was younger I got made fun of a lot too...and now I wish my boobs were smaller...because I have to make sure I try bras on before I buy them...some B cup padded bras fit just right..and then C cup ones make my boobies fall out! I'm like in the middle...so I can do both...
I love padded bras. They're comfy and make my boobs look bigger, which is good cuz my boobs are really small :/
And OMG STEPHIE!! Strickly dickly made me crack up!! Thats soooo funny!
And you guys call it snogs, we call it making out.
I still haven't had my first kiss....I kind of feel lame but I'm only 13 so I guess it's ok.
my first kiss was sooo..
he got me this really cute AUHMAZING ring
and so he put it on me
*cheesy but cute.*
and so he was staring at me and we moved closer..
and no there was no magical firewokrs or nothing...
i actually kinda pulled AWAY and whispered
"this feels weird.."
will someone shoot me? PLEASE?
Heheh so thats how i killed my first kiss..but it was the begining of MANY proper ones
and for ur situation....
my bf is 2 years older than me, its actually really great,
but in your case..
if the guy says he'll wait then talk to him and say okay, you have to wait.
if he undersstands you, COOL.
if not, just let him down gently..
you shouldnt change the way you dress for someone..
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