Play Musical Instruments?

57 replies since 10th June 2009 • Last reply 10th June 2009

I know... I can do basic riffs from songs, but no friggin way could I do a whole metal / trash song. Frustrating me to no end really since it's the kind of music I'd want to play.

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Guitar badly.
Accordian in a band =S (but its okay, I know an elvis song ^_^)
Clarinet for 4 years.
Took up bass clarinet also in the last two years.
Now im on the tenor saxamaphone =D

And I sing (in private. im still to self conscious to let people hear me)

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I sing, don't think I've ever not been singing and I was in a choir all through school until I went to university. I was a percusionist in grades 6-8 but I wasn't that great. I got annoyed practicing and I dont't have the coordination required for drum set, timpini, or mallet percussion- although I like to think I'm pretty good with auxillary percussion (ie. crash symbols, cabassa, triangle, tamborine, ...) I know enough piano/read music well enough that I can teach myself to sing a piece of music that way, but trying to find more than one key at once isn't in my skill set. lol I played recorder in elemtary school and was pretty good- could play My Heart Will Go On and From a Distance, not just Hot Crossed Buns. I also did violin for a year, but it always sounded like some small furry thing was dying... I'd love to learn an instrument well (like guitar or something) but I've always sucked at practicing. Would be useful for song writing though, as well as being nice to not have to always sing a capella if I'm by myself.

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I don't play any instruments and my voice is AWFUL. I would LOVE to learn how to play a violin deffo and maybe guitar and piano, but violin would be the top of my list... I don't have the time or patience to learn though, maybe one day Happy

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Hi there, this is my first post here ever Happy

I play and teach the recorder, I play saxophone, musical saw, Yamaha WX5 Wind MIDI Controller (that thing has no "normal" name). I played the violin for 5 years but switched over to playing the saxophone. My guitar sits in my office's corner and looks quite neglected... I should definitely practice again.
And I sing a lot, mostly when I'm driving in my car.

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I play the flute & my boyfriend plays the saxophone

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I have played the clarinet for nearly 10 years now. Also, I have had two years of pianolessons, and one year of singinlessons. I also participate in the classchoir, but I'm not a very good singer XD.

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violin (1yr of lessons, rest is self taught)
flute (five yrs)
sax-mainly tenor (three years)
& little bits of oboe, clarinet, trombone, recorder (lol didnt know that counted)

currently learning drum, bass & guitar cuz bf :]

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I play guitar and sing.
I used to play the violin and flute as well though.

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Clarinet since sixth grade and I want to learn how to play the Bass guitar, I need to bug my mom some more though. (to get one....I hope she caves soon!)

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Clarinet since sixth grade and I want to learn how to play the Bass guitar, I need to bug my mom some more though. (to get one....I hope she caves soon!) I do Sing Soprano and ALto in a choir though, I want to be a soloist for my church but i always get so nervous.

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Play guitar but might start playing bass.

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I only see a few clarinet players on here! I played for eight years. I haven't touched it in three, though. =

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can pull off sax, clarinet and recorder
attempted guitar

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