Writing in Books

Do you mark, highlight, underline, scribble notes in your books? I'm curious to see who does, and what your thoughts are on it. By this I mean personal books, novels that you read by choice.

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4 replies since 6th April 2013 • Last reply 6th April 2013

I do! I know that's kind of bad but I have to! I sometimes daydream in class and I don't even knw that and then I snap from m dreams like a violin string that has just popped out. Then I'm really in a hurry and grab a pencil start scribbling all th notes and try to understand them better.

Thoughts..I think I daydream a lot. When I think of something I jump ino another and another and another that's how I daydream

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I used to highlight books that I bought if there was a passage I wanted to remember, but I grew out of that as I grew older.
I own a ton of books (textbooks, history books, etc) that I will absolutely not mark with any sort of ink. The one thing I hate as a bookworm is when I buy a used textbook or something and someone took a pen or highlighter to it and marked up a bunch of pages with stupid notes.

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I don't usually, but if there's a passage or phrase that I like, or I want to remember - I usually underline it.. I've never highlighted a book before but I'm making an exception for John Green's book The Fault in Our Stars because there are so many worthwhile quotes in it that I need to remember.. I really only do it in paperback books though because there's something special to me about a hardcover book that you cannot deface or do anything to it (another exception I made with The Fault in Our Stars).

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I underline, make notes and draw in books. Some people think it's like sacrilege but I like putting a new story in a book. Some books I took with me on holiday are full of stains and marks of the holiday so whenever I read it again, I remember when I read it for the first time and what I did on holiday and things like that. I also write songs and such things in books that refer to the story. When I buy second-hand books I love to find notes, bookmarks and stuff in them. I once bought a book just because it's first owner left a letter in it. It gives me a great feeling. Do you know the film Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain? She found a little tin box, when I find a note in a book, I feel like she did when she found that box.

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