Bloody Chavs!
aaahhh! ok so i know that im complaining, but i am so fed up with people here! there all chavs! i can never find anyone that lives in the same freakin state as me that i have anything in common with! not even close. and im not picky. you dont have to have to be just like me for me to like you but i cant even find anyone similar. im sick of it! aaaaaaaaahhh.
ok i feel better. lol
Finding people that I really get on with is very hard for me, I dunno if I'm too fussy or what but the weirdest thing is that the person who i get on the most with is the complete opposite of me!! My issue is being able to connect with people and being able to have an actual conversation and not feeling like the tag along. You just have to accept what you have sometimes.
I have to say it - being a chav doesn't make someone a bad person, I have lots of friends who are chavs and maybe your issue is that you look at people and say "Oh she's a chav, I can't be friends with her". Sometimes you don't need to have anything in common with someone to be friends with them.
I don't look like I'm into what I'm into at all...well not typically. I agree with KK but I understand that it's hard to find people when you might be isolated anyway when it's not even your fault.
Yeah I'm not trying to get at you, it just bothers me when people complain that no one gets them, but then judges people by how they look.
Eurgh, I always wear a pentacle because I'm Wiccan, and earlier someone said "I see by your necklace that you like HIM". I was SO annoyed
omg can people not tell the difference between points and rounded bits!
I have to admit when I was younger chavs were the enemy and I get worried when I go past them when they're all 'swarming' around a shop or in the bus stop so much so that I won't go into a shop when they're all around it or in the bus stop they're all sitting around in. I don't really call them chavs now I call them kids cuz even if they're my age or older they're still acting like kids haha. I suppose 'chavs' is an easier way of saying 'kids who wear track suits' or whatever like it's easier to call someone who's into rock a goth. People would always be like 'so what ARE you then' when I'd say I wasnt a goth...I still get annoyed about that, evidently. AAAAnyways....
I sometimes feel intimidated when walking past large, loud groups of 'chavs' but i often have nice conversations with them. I'd feel just as intimidated if they were all wearing pretty floral dresses.
Thankyou Kitten for saying that- Someone like you needs to go and sort out the 'emo' thread. That bothers me so much, I hate labelling.
And Rena- I was just like you when I was younger, I've never really belonged to a group and most people from my home town aren't my ideal sort of people- but it's important that you just try and smile at people and talk to them nicely. I know it sound odd but it makes the world of difference. I went from being the outcast in my school who people either overlooked or hated, to being accepted and actually having people shout "Martyn!" (my second name) in a nice way when they saw me. You just have to have confidence and show people you've got a fantastic sense of humour.
Even if you don't get a close friend, just having friendly faces around makes the world of difference.
Well I hate walking past any large group of people, no matter what they're wearing. Well, maybe if they're all very stoned hippies I won't be so bothered, but you know. Any big, rowdy group of people I get nervous about, and to be honest I think I've had more fights with "goths" and "emos" than with "chavs" because they seem more-or-less harmless and only seem to dislike me because I have black hair, which I can deal with because it's inane.
Queeny, AND it's upside down! I was like "No, if you turn a pentacle upside down and make the top corners into rounded bits, THEN it's a heartagram". I truly hate HIM for doing that to my faith.
My two little bros are chavish, they are pretty cool one on one, but like most people, when they get in groups they can be intimidating.
I don't have any friends that I see in real life. All of them are online or too far away to see. The last time I saw my friend that lives here was a year ago! I met up with someone I met online in November at a coffee shop and it was terrifying! It's been so long since I had a chat that I kinda froze and she probably thinks I'm a loon.
I do miss talking to other girls and feel like a freak when someone tries to talk to me or get to know me
When I first got into rock music I thought having out with people with similar tastes would be great, WRONG. They were chavs in black, smoke, drank, smoked weed and talked general nonsense, not really bothered about their furtures etc. And you see these groups of friends about but one of them will probably be the one everyone picks on and they might not be as close as they seem. College was an amazing expeirience because people always said hello even when you didn't know them that well and you could start a conversation with any one. 'You live you learn.'
This labelling thing used to cause GIANT knots in my stomach and still does there's things I can't talk about without sounding like a hypocrite so I just use the words because it's easier and everyone judges but I always give people a second chance.
well see the thing is, i dont really have a problem with most people, im actually pretty easy to get along with, but im homeschooled. i really think that is more my problem than less people being like me. its hard to find people in your school the same age as you with at least similar tastes when you are the only one in your highschool! lol. and my problem with chavs isnt all of them. the reason i was complaining about them is because i have been friends with a girl for about 11 years now and she had always been kinda chavish, but it dosent bother me. its that all her new friends are now and whenever me and her are at the shops, and she runs into her friends, she always wants to leave real quick or send me into a store so that she can talk to them without being seen with me. (im kinda scene by the way if you want to apply a lable lol) its her and some other people that i have been dealing with lately; not chavs as a whole.
yeh thats why I said 'but I understand that it's hard to find people when you might be isolated anyway when it's not even your fault' cuz I looked on your profile. I wasn't home schooled but I was off school a lot in the last two years and so I wasn't at school and there had been a lot of changes to the 'groups' that there were in my year and there wasn't really anyone for me to hang out with all the time and have fun until the 5th and last year. In the 3rd year when I got into a different kind of music my 'friends' reacted horribly but they were never really good friends anyway. Do these other kids have a problem with you or is it just your friend being embarrased maybe you should confront her about it.
well i have talked to her about it and it ended up turning into a fight. we made up and everything but things just arent the same. most other people that are "chavs" or like that do have a problem with me... idk why, im pretty outgoing and all and im not one to ignore someone for what they wear, its just a matter of meeting people that are like me. i live in nc, so there isnt a lot of scene kids around here....
>>> and if you have a problem with labels, im terribly sorry but that "labels are for soup cans" stuff is bull. even if you dont say it out loud, when you look at someone, you think of them in different ways because of what there wearing. im tired of getting fussed at for using the words scene and emo and chavs when thats what they really freakin are!!
I guess my definition of "chavs" are different - I don't see the groups of kids in trackies hanging outside the shops as a problem unless they are causing real trouble, I guess chavs or neds, for me they are the people who lurk around at night with the full intent of mugging someone or causing trouble, or jacked up on drugs... and I hate them so much. I also don't like the bunch of ned kids that sit outside my flat at night till past 3am playing their guitars >_<
I guess my brother is the usual sense of a ned, he's a bit of a boy-racer in his car, he likes music like rap and indie, he goes to Fat Sams to get pissed etc but the difference for me is that he doesn't get pleasure out of other people's misery or hurts anyone.
I probably just offended about 100 people :/
chavs around here are pretty much the preppy kids that think that they can kick your ass and try to cause trouble and stuff. theyre not really nails like they think they are, just jerks with money that want to take you out.
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