Blood, Sweat and Tshirts.

23 replies since 23rd April 2008 • Last reply 23rd April 2008

how ridiculous were those brits? 'oh, I'm too tired, the toilets blocked, the market holder ripped me off'
er yeah, its called hard work
toilets in britain get blocked
if you go to the market wearing expensive clothes and jewellry, they will.
what irritated me most of all was when that silly cow stated crying cos she'd lost a £10000 emerald bracelet, so they shut down they whole factory to look for it, lost two hours production time and then they buggered off cos they were a bit tired
made me ashamed to call myself british

but what they didn't mention is that in some parts of india (even though its supposedly illegal) they still have caste, so that even if you wanted to work yourself out, people will hold your social position against you

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o god now that girl who lost her bracelet pissed me off she was the only one who seemed to have a bit of sense as well I just wouldn't take anything like that out there. The guy who went on about people working themselves out of poverty seemed to get something out of it the most even though he still annoyed me, I can't beleive he actually thought the factory workers could just go back to college or something someone working in those conditions obviously has to do that for a reason!

It made me feel ashamed too!

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I think that the only way for issues like this to be solved, is for countries like India to stop working for such low prices. They have to do what the women and children did in our country - go on strike. It's going to be hard, but it will pay off in the end.

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it's not as simple, if they went on strike they would be going on hunger strike as well and the employers would just find out people to work for them anyway

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It wasn't that simple for the people took their stand then either. When change is needed, it has to be done. The situation isn't going to be resolved unless action is taken out.
For instance: Employees in India working for much less than what an United States citizen would work for. This is problematic due to the Indian employees taking away U.S citizens jobs for U.S companies, and it's because employers are cheap; everyone wants a shiny penny. This can be solved by Indian employees demanding for a higher pay. Of course, this isn't going to solve the Americans unemployment necessarily, but it would solve an issue for the Indian employees who work longer hours and for less.

I'd really like for one of the candidates for presidency to see this as an important issue because it really is. Our economy is in terrible condition and it's not going to help if major businesses turn to other countries in order to save money.

It may in fact cost a lot, but you have to crawl before you can walk. The red apple isn't just going to be handed, it's going to have to be earned.

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If they demand more money and complain their employer would probably just say you're fired and find someone else to work for them. They don't have time to complain and can't afford to complain. There are organisations in India that are helping to get children out of the sweat shops, the children are bought and the money they earn then goes to their parents so they don't even go back to their parents they go to a school that they live in, the kids that were in one of the schools in the programme didn't want to go back to their parents it was so sad. The workers don't really care about their situation they need the money, of course it's horrible environments but they're stuck. What I mean is that it would be better for the workers if organisations pestered the Indian government about it and companies agreed to pay more of their profits to the people at the bottom of the ladder rather then the workers protesting.

When workers like the women that made matchsticks decades ago in this country striked it worked because the whole work force striked but workers in India would have protested already if they thought it would get them any where, there's less chance of the whole work force striking because they care too much about their family and loosing their jobs. It's not that the matchstick women didn't care about their family it's just a different situation.

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Exactly, that's why they should go on strike. I can't say it any more simpler. Of course it would be hard! It would only be natural for them to suffer for awhile, that's expected. You can't get something you demand with the snap of a finger.

Women then didn't know that it would work either - come on now, an entire building burned to the ground killing hundreds (if I remember correctly the death toll) because an employer didn't want to let them leave on breaks and so he locked the doors.

They have to fight for their freedom, just like everyone else in this world has had to do. Slaves fought for decades to gain freedom, you think that was a peice of a cake? It wasn't, and I can't help but to think that if they were able to break their chains and be free under their conditions - then a child in a sweat shop can too, and so can many other adults who work longer and harder for less.

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I never said it wouldn't be hard but it really is a different situation, as someone above said it's just so harsh. Of course I wish they would make a stand and that's the thing it's just so harsh and hard.

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Its true I have tried to stop shopping at all box stores because of this, they all promote the same thing. But it is really really tough to do! I watched the Walmart - High Cost of Low Prices movie and it was soooo sad, made me feel really crappy for ever ever shopping there. I went to Old Navy one day and walked out fuming because on this shirt that said "Green is the new black", sustainable right? wrong!! The shirt was made in India so not only did it have to be shipped from India (major fuel use there), but it was also likely made in a green is that? But that shirt really showed me just what people wanted....face value...they don't want to think about how "green" their clothing really is, or what child spent all day making those items.

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