Been off my rocker

I quit taking my antidepressant.I hate them, but I have not been doing good this last 2 mos, not only with the pneumonia, but I have been so depressed and unhappy, and angry.I know I should not stop taking them.At first I feel good then slowly It gets really bad till even I cant stand to be around me, and I cay all the time.Rant all the time.So I started back on them.Hope fully I will stay one them.Its hard to take some that makes u feel weird to make you stop feeling crazy.sigh.I have not done much crafts or any thing.I hope I will get back to doing some when I get over this lung thing.I got to the pulmonary spec tomorrow.Hope the results are good and can be taken care of.I have been worried, because It hasnt gone away for the last 2 mos.I have to stay in bed alot, hard to breath.But that is even better than it was..
Thank you for reading.I felt that I was going crazy without the antidepressants.
I feel alone and very sad.

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4 replies since 26th July 2011 • Last reply 26th July 2011

Oh PJ, I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling bad. I hope you get good news tomorrow, and get on a bit better with your medication.
Once you get breathing a bit easier, try to take your dogs out for a walk somewhere wild and peaceful, staying indoors just makes you feel worse ( well, it does for me, anyway Happy )
Sending all best wishes to you across the Atlantic ocean!

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We all need to find the balance sometimes.Having insight is really powerful.
I hope tomorrow appt goes well and you get your Mojo back soon.
Wee hug from WA

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I just want to say a huge word of caution! Please! Please don't go off your medication without tapering off of it first! You're depression can worsen if you do and you can become seriously ill as a result! If the medication you are taking isn't making you feel right then you need to talk to your psychologist about it- it could be the wrong dosage or the wrong medication. Either way, it is better to go off your medication slowly than stopping altogether.

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Thank you all so much.No I should never go off it.I know that..sigh.
But I have so much less energy taken it, that when i feel better I stop.I have to stay on it this time..I must.

The appt with the pulmonary Doc went well, he said I sound clear, but after so many years of having pneumonia every year my lung has lost their elasticity,I will be having more test in 3 weeks, yesterday I pulled a mucle on the left side of my back..I think i must laugh, it hurts to got medication, thank goodness he gave me samples, my ins would not have paid the 300 for it..Thank goodness. He says that since i have got pueumonia so much , it could cause ocd , also I did smoke for year"s.But quit many years ago.Thank the lord. So Im praying it gets better and I can walk from one room to the
thank you all so very much..I appricarte, your takeing the time to to talk to me about this and the huggs, some times you really need to tell some one..

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