Pedantic people need to learn how to read before they respond.

So, I posted a little how-to that provides a home-based alternative to Midol, Pamprin, and other women's medications.

I stated that my method had the same stuff as the two pills, except with less extra garbage in them.

Go figure the first person to respond is a negative, pedantic person who obviously didn't take the time to read my tutorial and posted all this crap she probably looked up on Wikipedia to sound smart.

Ugh. Why can't people just read if they intend to act smart about something?

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12 replies since 17th April 2011 • Last reply 17th April 2011

Wait what does pedantic mean {sorry I didn't feel like hitting up}

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It means they try to act smart or intelligent in order to nullify something someone else has said, even if the knowledge is false or not their own.

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It's just petty. I personally found your how-to very useful. What's the point in spending money for extra things that aren't even needed in the medication. Thanks for the tutorial!

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I'm glad you liked it! I went to a pharmacy last night to see what was actually in Pamprin and Midol, and it was over $5 for a box of like, 12 or 24 crappy pills that were comprised of aspirin, Aleeve, and caffeine... stuff that everyone has at home that didn't cost as much.

I just wish though that people wouldn't be so hasty in trying to act smart where it isn't necessary or appropriate.

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well someone had posted a tut on how to correct or shop a photograph. But it was a total amature job, so I wrote her an email about it. Her corrections made it look like a flash went off in her face, which is a photography NONO. I should know as I am a proffessional photographer.

so people should really think not only about their comments, but when they are posting tuts as well. acting like you know alot about something when you don't. Makes you look like a A$$.

anyway I found your tut about cramp releif really good. I usually pop advil, but its nice to find different ways

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@Michelle I agree, I've seen some tutorials that made me wonder what they were thinking when they posted it.

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just looked a rude girls profile, newbie. no projects, board posts just one comment. on yours Mon.

we get Newbs who do that all the time to keep COAK craft friendly, we just get people to report them. Because if they leave snarky messages on one project, they will do it on more.

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I agree. I'm glad you liked my tut. I have a really weird tolerance for certain painkillers so I've kinda had to try a lot of combos to find something that helps 100% of the time.

Some people though just can't understand that it's a money saver and not an anti-medicine campaign.

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cray cray those people. and come on, she though camoile had caffine. Its a floral tea, all natural

and I am the same. most painkillers knock me out. I take anything extra strength and pass out for a few hours.

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I learned a new word :]

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we learn everyday

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Yeah, once I noticed she had no friends or projects, I realized that for someone like that, it's going to stay that way.

CO+K isn't Regretsy.

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