I hate it when people waste my time

I have a DA page that I have done some armature modeling on and a lot of it has been used by artists, either graphic or otherwise. I have a small following of people who have been following me for years and who have shown me respect. But every now and again I get total jerks that send me pervy messages or worse- waste my time!

I received a message from a guy last week who wanted to know if I took requests for work to be done- which I do and I asked him what he wanted and he responded that he had "several ideas" and wanted to know what some of mine were. That probably should have been my first clue that this guy was not really interested in commissioning work. But I took the road of trust and told him I just needed to know what he was looking for. I sent him several questions to answer concerning that and he asked me if I had an messenger account. So of course I told him I didn’t (because I don’t give that information out) and that he needed to just tell me what he wanted or not waste my time anymore. Of course he hasn’t responded back which goes to show what he really wanted. It just ticks me off because I take the time out of my personal life- in the mist of my uncle having passed away, to respond and take his request seriously and he wasted my time.

It actually is almost enough to make me want to close down my DA page because anymore that’s what I’m getting. A bunch of losers who think that picking up a girl online is a good idea. Seriously- if that’s what you’re interested in, join an online dating site or chat room- don’t bother someone who has no interest in picking up someone online.

GRRR! Ok that was my rant!

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8 replies since 13th March 2011 • Last reply 13th March 2011

hehe... great rant! Don't know why there are so many a**holes like that about! Luckily I dont know any men like that in real life! Sorry for your loss of your uncle Happy

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Thank you.

I am still steaming over the fact that I wasted so much time on a jerk who was only interested in making an online friend. And it's not like its wrong to make friends- it’s the fact that he put on the pretense of being interested in work that I take seriously.

I’m just trying to decide at this point if I even want to keep my DA page up anymore.

and again, thank you.

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I think if its something you really want to do or somerhing you love doing you should NEVER let someone take it from you. Dont give those jerks the satifaction of giving up.I dont know you but Ive read quite a few of your posts on the board and you just seem so strong and sure of yourself. I know you can do this.

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I've gotten burned before about commissions. I made sure the first thing I wrote in my commissions/order form was that incomplete orders will be ignored, so double check before you send. Then a quick glance would tell me if I needed to actually go back and read it.
I agree with Chelli, don't let the jerks ruin what you love about making armatures and stuff.

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That sucks, but I'm going to agree with Chelli and StarLeigh you should not let people like that stop you.
I think you should definitely call them out on it though. If nothing it'll shame them a little bit. You can't let them bother you too much but you can't let them get away with it either, you know?
Fact of the matter is, there will always be people who will annoy the hell out of you and waste your time but there are lots of people who will and are really interested in your work and taking down your page could cut you off from the people who are genuinely interested and want to work with you.

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It's frustrating for me. And I think everyone here who has some idea of how I am, knows I called him out for it. I also revised a few things on my DA page again asking for people to not waste my time.

It just hits at a hard time right now and as strong as I can be or come across- sometimes things just pile on a little too high. I in all honesty, very rarely use my DA page anymore. I haven't done any modeling in over a year although I have had a few requests from photographers in my area. It’s a lot of factors. I get a lot of messages that are harassing and subjective and it’s not like I'm putting my sexuality really out there. Sometimes the sweetest photos of me get the weirdest remarks. Like it doesn’t quite make sense how someone can look at that photo and say or think a certain way and then I get a message from some jerk who wants to tell me all about it. And I have managed to put a stop to that by posting it very boldly on my profile that I’m not interested in hearing about that. Oh well. I’ll think on it a bit more but if I don’t get a whole lot of use out of the page I will probably take it down.

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I can't use any art programs anymore, DA, SA, FA, I always have someone who looks at my photo's and 'such and such artist did a similar pose and you are a bad drawing artist and you drew over/you copied your poze off of this artist, you're a bad person and I'm gonna troll you and other people will to.

It happens to me alot. I even had proof once that the HAND drawing I made of my fiancee sitting in a particular pose was mine, and the troll resized and overlayed my drawing to this artists model...which didn't have the same body structure and said it was because I was a bad copier... yea.... I can't handle that anymore.

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I'd have reported that user as they clearly had nothing better to do than to harass you.

I don't play games like that. It is way ridiculous to assume that everyone is going to come up with a different idea when it comes to drawing.

I go to bat whenever I see that crap on DA because I can't stand that sort of negative behavior. Granted, I am all for protecting an artists rights- if someone flat out steals another's work, I'm all over it. But I don't like how people assume that an idea belongs only to one person. Christopher Columbus was not the first person to think the world was round- in fact most educated people were aware that it was round and not flat.

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