my boss reduced my hours
I am a graphuc designer who works at a small local paper, my boss cut me down from 40 to 30 hours, which is part time. When I signed my contract late sept, it stated I would be hired as a full time designer
now she cut my hours to 30 and the office mang to 20 hours
get this, she wants me to do her job when she is not there, do the advertising and the production of the paper.
in 30 hours, is she nuts? I work 50 hours a week now. I don't get paid for overtime
so until I find another job, I will have to give up my car. its hard to afford gas, when you got bills to pay. Plus food is more important.
The worst thing is that the grocery store is across town, a half hour walk from my house. hangs head. This so sucks.
I got bills to pay lady, you own the bleeding busn, and have a gov job, your husband works for the gov. and she moved to Ottawa in October and didn't hire a new editor.
I am so stressed.
I am over worked
now have to do three jobs, two more plus mine
now I have to pay less on my student loans and credit card(and I almost would of have them paid off.)
I am going to be so poor till I get another job.
know anyplace looking for a talented layout designer? newspaper, magazine let me know.
hahahah suck on it boss lady, a newspaper in TO loves my portfolio, so I may be moving. Cross fingers
Fingers crossed for you
thanks sweetie, I am sending out you gift after new years
Ooooh just read this, that's awesome that another company is interested in you
it is, its in Toronto which is about a days away from her, a few hours by plane. Its more expensive. Like $650 for a bachlors. but I won't give up moo
When I was still working I got cut from full time to 3 hours. That's not a mistype. The store eventually closed. Either she's about to go out of business or she's trying to make you quit.
everyone in town knows that the company may close soon, if it closes then I can get ei, I quit, no EI
I had a job interview via phone for a job in TO, they will be in contact with me in the next week. cross fingers peoples
a full time layout job with benefits
I hope you get the new job *fingers crossed*
me too
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