Pets at home gave me the wrong gender hamster :(
everyone thinks pets at home are the best pet store around well i'm sick of them sexing animals wrongly I was told I was getting a female 3 months later i decided to do a re-sex only to find she was actually a He IM REALLY ANNOYED ! what do you think if you've ever shopped there !
I've never heard of Pets at home.... Is there a specific reason for the gender you wanted? Breeding maybe or does it not really matter? I can see how you would be annoyed though. Lets hope you didn't give 'him' a girlie name, or is a name change on the cards?
Maybe it's time to go to a different pet store if they keep messing up!
I used to have a wonderful fishtank, but stopped buying fish from pets at home because the fish are so badly kept. Most have parasites, fin rot, white spot or are kept in infected tanks with dead fish... the temparatures are wrong, their advice on fish is terrible and their water is recycled day in, day out.
I've no experience of their other animals though x
well I did give my hamster a kinda girly name pearl but i may keep it the same .
I did my work experience in a garden centre with a pets corner the animals are extremely well kept and they are all fab. But we all believe where better than pets at home.
My daughter got some dwarf Russian hamsters from pets at home. She has had gerbils before with not problems but the hamsters died after 2 days. My hubby being a typical Yorkshire man put them in a box, took them back to the shop and got his money back in a Monty Python dead parrot kind of sketch way!
thats awfull , my hamster is a dwarf hamster and luckily he is very well tempered but he was a runt being attacked by his litter , under weight and thats why i picked him i thought you need me more than ever, my hamster eats alot but doesnt gain weight sadly he will always be smaller than he should be because he was sooo tiny but you should always bring back the animals remains because if its contaigous then they need to check the whole litter for safety. and lol monty python
I don't think we have Pets at Home stores in Aus but I am fairly up to date with animal welfare issues and I do know that (along with Petco) Pets at Home has a pretty bad rep.
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