Colour Therapy?

I saw something on a different thread about colour therapy and Im just wondering what it is and if it works? I've had pretty bad depression for a while now, so Im just wondering if this will help me out.

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2 replies since 14th June 2010 • Last reply 14th June 2010

I think it works a little like using a lightbox in the sense that its about the wavelengths that make up the different colours and the effect they have on the retina. I'm not totally sure though and it seems like a pretty safe type of therapy to try as there are no meds to change or memories to churn up. Have a look on wikipeadia and see what that says. Good old wikipeadia Happy

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Color therapy is certainly helpful on an everyday basis, and different colors help with different things. It definitely helps you alter your mindset, no matter the issue. I would definitely look into it Happy.

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