David Cameron vs. Universities!!!

20 replies since 10th June 2010 • Last reply 10th June 2010

Good advice, Michelle...study something that intersests you, you'll enjoy it more, be more enthusiastic and get better marks. I know a few people who did what their parents wanted them to do, even though they didn't want to, and just ended up miserable and in debt for nothing, as it's difficult to pass when you're just not interested...then ended up doing what they had wanted in the first place anyway. Sometimes it's hard to go against your parent's wishes, especially if they are paying, but often parents want you to do what they wish they had done themselves, which I think is wrong and only leads to misery!

SnazzyEarrings, I did miss the lab when I left work, but it was more the company of the other workers than the actual work. I had pre-eclampsia and a tiny premature baby, so even though I had intended going back, I found I just couldn't. Your career is only a small part of your life, your children, family and relationships are all so important.

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oh dear michelle; its a shame that the fees are so expensive for the jewellery design course, that sounds great!
there's some really interesting things youve done Happy

luckily my parents agree with what i want to do, hopefully they can help me out!

i agree nora, jobs arent the only thing that matters; hope youre fine now, Happy

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I olny finished University about a month ago. Although not officially as I only got my results back a few days ago. I'm in debt AT LEAST £9,000 for tuition fees, which doesn't include the £10-£20 PER MONTH INTEREST they rack on top of my loan. Plus I had to take out another Student Finance Loan for living, paying for books, travel etc etc. So at the end of it all I think I'm going to be in about £18,000-£20,000 debt. Yet I am sort of struggling to find work right now - I know it has only been a month but I am now on JobSeekers Allowance to help me to live until I find a job!!

It's things like this that make me glad to have finished... The thing that really pisses me off is that back in David Cameron's day Universities in England used to be free as well!!! I can't see how we are a burden on the tax payer as we are obtaining loans from an independant institute and after we have finished the majority of us typically end up in major city centres contributing to the stimulation of the economy!!

I would definatly agree with Michelle and study something you think you will enjoy. I studies Business Studies & Psychology Joint Honours, I enjoyed Busiess Studies but I didn't really enjoy Psychology but took it on because it was something I had studied as an A-Level and was worried on doing a subject I had no previous background in. Luckily enough I managed to obtain high C's in my Psychology modules, however I do not know how as I stopped enjoying Psychology in Sixth-Form and put minimal effort into studying most of my Psychology topics.

Sorry this reply is long... I can sympathise with you though.

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Oh don't even get me started! I've just finished my second year and I keep thinking about how much debt I'm building up. If they keep raising the tuition fees it is going to put loads of people off going to university. Ok, so you can work behind a till if you leave school and don't bother going to college. If you go college then you can get a decent job-ish, but most of the good jobs out there in something remotely what you want to do then you WILL need a degree under your belt. If no one does these jobs then what will happen to this country? It will go down hill dramatically. I swear these people don't have a brain. Do they not think about how it benefits in the long run?

I hate the way I get categorised as a tax-dodging, money-grabbing student. When I graduate I will be more than happy for my tax to go towards other students to help them get a good education (to be fair though I'm not sure where the tax money goes, because the government just waste money on unnecessary cricket stadiums...), but it's generally people that haven't been to university that complain about 'us' taking their money. I don't want to cause offence to people who haven't been to university, I'm not saying everyone says it, it's just those that do normally haven't been in the situation themselves.

It is tough as a student, you have to move out and pay for rent, bills and food (quite a shock when you've just finished college with hardly any money as it is). All this and no job or only a measly part-time job as there is so much work to do, then they expect us to pay more for tuition fees? Grr....

I'm going to play happy music now, I hate getting reminded of how our country is run by morons Lol.

*Happy happy happy*

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Ooo that post was a lot longer than I thought :s haha sorry!

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Ruby I can sympathise there... I hated getting catagorised as a tax-dodging lazy student!! It doesn't help by the fact that I'm now on JobSeekers as I have't been able to secure a job yet, so thta kind of reinforces the stereotype. In a sense I'm lucky that I didn't move out, I commuted to Uni, it was only about 16 miles from me, yet I missed out on the experience of living away but I couldn't afford it and I wasn't ready to move out mentally.

This is the problem, if tuition fees rise too much it will end up being like in the Victorian sort of era where only the rich upper classes will be able to afford to attend University and that makes me feel so sad for future generations as people like myself won't be given the same opportunites that we have right now.

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