heart break i need help!

18 replies since 2nd February 2010 • Last reply 2nd February 2010

Hey honey I hope things are going well for you.
Whether they are or they aren't keep in there - be strong and we are all thinking of you xxxx

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things are going great ive found someone better he plays in a band and his stage name is doom! so yeah doom and gloom lol! ive blocked the other guy and doom says if he bugs me again to tell him and he'll deal with it so yeah hopefuly this time things are going to work out Happy

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AAAWWW honey I couldn't be more pleased for you!!
YAAAAAY!!! P-a-r-t-y!!!

lol ok maybe a bit O.T.T

but I am very pleased that you have found someone more worthy of your affections.

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I'm really glad things are going well for you. Sounds like doom is the kind of guy that will be there for you.

And as Becky say P-a-r-t-y!!!!!!!!

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