I now know what is wrong with me

hey guys, I am anemic and I have Osteoarthritis.

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14 replies since 4th July 2009 • Last reply 4th July 2009


at least now they can treat it properly because they know what it is?

start going swimming once a week and take cod liver oil or flax seed oil!

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oh ne worries, I am taking iron and calcium supp.

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Oh, so many people are anemic! Happy But with some additional iron you'll feel better immediately!!!! I had to take some after my surgery but I got problems with my digestion (like most of my friends who took iron...). They can give it to you intravenous, takes less time and as far as I know its better tolerated...
But after all, most of the iron can't be used by the body unless it comes in nutrition... And some weeks ago someone told me the accumulations in the blood vessels aren't so harmless... Happy
Fresh chives are great! They have a lot of iron and its very well disposable for the body. Some people even treat anemia with chives, but you have to eat a lot! Happy
I used the iron tablets to normalize my iron level and now I keep it up with chives... Happy

Can you treat Osteoarthritis? My girlfriend thinks that she has Osteoarthritis because she has painful joints... but she won't get it checked...

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well it could be any type of arthretits, they checked my blood and found it.

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*hugs* thats not fun Happy

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Osteoarthritis is the one caused by wear and tear isn't it? Is can be bloody painful as I run a pain support group at work and several of the group have it. There are things that can help though. I'll check with the group and see what they recommend. We had a Occupational Therapist as a guest speaker at the group a while back and I do remember her saying that there is a lot you can do with diet so it might be worth getting referred to a dietician or nutritionist. The group are also after 'Arthritis for Dummies' as we got hold of a copy from the library and were quite impressed with that. Also alternative therapies can help too, I massage someone with arthritis and I know she says its helpful. She also saw a acupuncturist too which she said really helped.
*big hugs* x

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Stickler syndrome is what they are saying now

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I just looked this up on Wikipeadia and had a look at their support group page. Do they know for sure if you've got this? It appears to be genetic so that must mean that they can test for it.
In case you haven't checked out the support group page this is it http://www.sticklers.org/sip2/
I'm really sorry though to hear you've now been told this. You must feel like you're on a roller coaster with all the info your poor brain is having to absorb and make sense of. I'll have to send an even bigger hug than before x

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lol thanks for the hug

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Ive been out of the loop for a while, but Im sorry to hear about the osteoarthritis and anemia Michelle, but as others have said, at least you know and can combat what you have with the knowledge that you have. Happy I wish you the best, and I'm sure you will prevail!

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thanks Jess

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