Oh My Goodness!
I think I'd want to know. Just so I could be prepared and things. Get the bedroom the right colour.
I'd want to know for the same reasons are Knitten Kitten and also I get too excited even over small things and it would take me ages to decide on names! aah my belly feels all funny!
My dad was in the army when he met my mum and they were married while he was in the army. He was stationed in Germany and they decided they would have me here rather then over there because of the school systems and things and he left the army before I was born anyway. I never thought about it much before but now I have this thing about military families because they could have decided to stay in Germany and my dad could have stayed in the army and he might have gone to Iraq etc. He was in Ireland when the troubles were going on and I don't want to think about that! Here there isn't the support the troops should be getting from the public or the regiments and I didn't want to say anything like this really but it's like you said, it's not AS dangerous as it was and he's in the U.S Marines (that's right isn't it? Marines?), they have the right equipment and facilities!
But anyway, I am really excited for you and wish you lots of happinesses!
Thanks again for the support.
The Diary is a definate thing I will have to do.
And I am going for an ultrasound to find out the sex. I want to make a bunch of stuff. And I like having everything ready and set up before they are born. And I know I can just get unisex stuff, but if its a girl, I'm pinking it out! Hehe. And getting lots of ruffley things.
And yes its the Marines Queenie. A Marine hasn't died in Iraq in almost a year now. I'm just glad he doesn't have to go to Afgahnistan (not sure if I spelled that right). Its more hectic over there from what I understand. But, he'll be fine, not even worried about it. (=
Oh yeah, and he will be out of the Marines when he comes back unless he desides to re-up. Or his friend Dave talks him into joining the French Foreign Legion with him. Men, and their warrior instics. Sheesh.
lol, men is right.
well tell us when you find out...I am excited for u
I will keep ya'll posted definately.
Now someone else has to get preggo, so I'm not in it alone. (=
Congrats! I don't know how it works in the marines, but I thought in the mililtary they could take leave for stuff like this? I thought men didn't have to go overseas or be overseas while a baby was being born. I know you can video tape stuff, so maybe that's what you'll have to do. Hope it's a girl for your sake.
I've just realized something. You may be alone physically, but you won't really be alone because you have all of us! Collectively, we are a pretty good support system [as least you all have been for me
] and I know most of us will try and help any way we can
so yea, there is my little bit of cheese for the day
[Prays for a baby girl, lol]
''Now someone else has to get preggo, so I'm not in it alone. (=''
my stomach just did a back flip...freaks me oout...you'll have to just wait about 6 more years lol
So when will you know about the sex? I don't know what age it is you can find out
I believe she has to wait until the second trimester to find out about the sex...which I believe is 3 months after preggo date. I believe....
Well, I definately can't feel lonely here!
You ususally find out the sex in the 4 or 5 month.
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