A weird issue
Im sure i am only person who finds this an issue, but i have this weird knack of having men fall for me. And do stupid things to show me. ACK! I find it annoying cause, well, one i have a boyfriend i'm in love with two, im not impressed with STUPID shows of "manly ness" or their "intersts" in things i like
Like today :
part one (clayton) Clayton NEVER reads, i know this for a fact, as in a prevous conversation with him he admitted to such. Today he was trying to have a conversation with me about reading, he bought a book he and tried to explain it (went something like, "err, its a fantasty" (me: what kind) "errr, you know goblins and such" ... -.-; seriously, did he ever read the back!) and yes i was nice, he's a really nice guy, but he's been flirting with me an awful lot lately (more as me and my boyfriend fight more) and i want to tell him to drop it, but i've broken enough guys hearts by accident, i really dont want to do that again... and people avoid me than, and i hurt
part two (Arron) : Arron is a really nice guy, and normally a very normal guy. Today for some reason (and Wayne, his manager admits he doesn't see why he did this, after i entered the room) he decieded to try and lift some REALLY heavy boxs, all at once. He was in the medical room last time i saw him, dealling with a sore back.
ack. I think its more, breaking guys hearts i have an issue with, i like the attention some times, and i like to flirt. But, one i hate it when people get hurt cause of me, or for me ...
weird, i know.
i should mention it is common knowledge to my younger coworkers these guys like me. Im not being egotisitcal here.
huh! guys are so weird : S
oh well, just take it as a compliment! Sorry I can't give you any advice on letting them down nicely-not much experience with relationships
I kinda know what you mean. Although I don't ever attract guys in the way I'd like (as in, no one ever comes up to me in a bar or anything), ex boyfriends seem to have real trouble getting over me. I'm not being big-headed, but it's frustrating. My last boyfriend still calls me beautiful all the time which makes me feel really awkward, and sometimes if I've just slept with a guy once he badgers me for years. I try to just take it as a compliment, although it's never good because it's not guys I actually want to be with or can be with!
when i was in elemtray school i did it alot to, and during highschool with the few guys i chatted with. It's gotten bad again since i stopped being shy >< i mean, if i was single, i'd love it, but they glare at my boyfriend when he picks me up. ack.
my god that's a PROBLEM!? I think I'm the 'one of the guys' type or ugly lol
yup, I know that feeling. I had one guy stop talking to me once he found out I had a boyfriend, I thought he wanted to be friends... :S
I had three stalker like people who did weird things to catch my attention. One gave me all his Pokemon cards (we were in high school?!) and called m EVERY day. One sat next to me in astrophysics class and tried to draw on me while I was figuring out logarithms (It was awkward as I was only in seventh grade and knew /nothing/ about anything social and I had to have one of my guy friends in the class help me out. The weird drawing on me guy started stalking my friend though, who lived in another state...at least I didn't get the weird porno poems over IM. Though he did tell me jokes I didn't get until years and years later), and another was just... weird... Followed me everywhere. I only had to deal with him for a few weeks though.
It's weird because most of my friends are guys and they treat me fine, but every once in awhile I get some weirdos. A guy randomly asked me if I had seen American Pie, and started talking about jacking off, another started talking about what my turn ons were... ugh. And these were people I'd never met before. Gross, gross, gross.
Queenie, I know its weird, and i liked it when i didnt have a serious boyfriend, but with a serious boyfriend it sucks, cause it makes it akward to enjoy the attention you're give. like i said, i know i'm the only one to find this as an issue.
I had one stalker when i was in like grade 7, he stalked me and watched me out of the corner of hsi eye, and new everything about me (inculding what my favorite pair of panties was) i had him removed from my class and than had a police order placed on him
I had friends who were always chasing boys and boys were always chasing them, feeling them up and things, they acted like they didn't like it but didn't exactly try to stop them but anyway I know that if it happened to me, especially now with a proper boyfriend, it would piss me off lol but attention is nice.
I've had a couple of stalkers, one who found out where I lived and what school I went to, then kept calling me up and saying he'd kill himself if I didn't go out with him. Then I kept seeing him in town, he made me really nervous so I joked that he was stalking me, and he said if he was I would never see him, then I didn't see him for two years! Until like two weeks ago which terrified me. Another guy at Download assumed that I wanted to sleep with him, and when I said no he grabbed me and shook me really hard which really upset me, so I spent the night in someone else's tent, and when Karen (my tentmate) woke up in the morning, he was watching her sleep. Later on he came back and tried to knock down my tent while I was in it!
That's awful! I'm glad you're ok!
I've had a few close calls but nothing that serious. (I had a load of writing in this post but decided to get rid of it I always go off on one and go off subject)
ya, stalkers are creepy. but, with stalkers atleast you can get restraining orders, people who just like you that flirt tomuch and try and out do boyfriends you can't do much about, and while they arent dangerous, they sure as hell are annoying.
I've had three stalkers
No fun!
But Jasmin, I understand where you're coming from, because I have the same issue.
I honestly don't know how to solve it either, so if ever I find a good way to handle it, I'll let you know haha
thanks, lol.
WEll atleast one problem got fix, clayton happened to know the brother of my boyfriends best friend, so he's now still friends with me but i think he gets the point know.
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