In less then 10mins

My whole sad little world just feel apart in less then 10mins...
I cannot shop crying and this happened over an hour ago. I woke up this morning knowing it was going to be a bad day. I just didn't feel well at all, I thought about just staying in bed all day. But talked myself into getting up and trying to make the best of it. So yeah feeling pretty shitty, I look through my art sites trying to get myself out of this funk. And then my stepdad came to me asked if I've done a mail out yet for my studio (I own a small paint-a-piece) I told him no he got all moody and yelled at me then walked away then about 10mins later he comes back in all red in the face. I'm sitting there trying not to break down trying to smile and act like everything is okay and he tells me I don't care about my studio and should close it (only he didn't say it very nicely T__T) and so I layed in bed crying and now I'm going to be selling everything. If any of you guys want some ready to paint ceramics send me a message I'll take some pics of my stuff. I ask that you guys pay for shipping though and if you feel like paying for the ceramic items also that would be wonderful T__T I really need the money... Thanks for letting me vent. I can't stop crying my chest feels like its going to crave in...

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6 replies since 15th September 2008 • Last reply 15th September 2008

i am sorry things are looking abit sour. Is there any way you can ask for another chance. I hope you have a better day tommorow. ((HUGS))-sug

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Oh honey, are you sure you want to do that? Don't let your stepdad bully you into doing something you're not sure about!

I'm sorry you had a rubbish day though, I hate when that happens x

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don't let anyone pressure you. Are you shure you want to close?

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It's a mind game...
He just asked if I was going to print out the mailing list... I was like WFT! For the past few outs I've been looking for places to sell everything and he's like your giving up that easy and I'm like yes your yelled at me since I've woken up, don't feel well. Yes I am I'm giving up. So he waked away T__T I don't know what I want but I don't feel up to keeping this place anymore he gave me so many reasons to close it then to turn around and ask me if I wanna spend out the mailling list >.>

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Well I hope you think that you're making the right choice, good luck and I hope you feel better.
*big hug*

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I'm sorry you've had a crappy day :

My advice is... keep if it you really want to. If you feel that its the best thing to do, keep it. I think maybe your step-dad was just being pissy and trying to lay out his problems on you.

If you WANT to quit the store, then by all means, do it... but if you feel that you can keep it going, and you WANT to, then don't do it because your dad and you got into one argument... Happy

I hope all works out for the best.

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