Ive got a lvl 45 retribution blood elf pally (Thaurissian server) that's my highest level toon so far. My others are a lvl 17 tauren druid, a lvl 31 undead warrior (both on frostmourne) and a lvl 10 draenei hunter (gundrak).
What toons do you have?
Does anyone else here play on the Thaurissian server??

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1 reply since 12th December 2010 • Last reply 12th December 2010

I used to play WoW, but quit about 2 and a half years ago.
I had 3 70s on Lightninghoof.
A NE Druid, NE Rogue, and Gnome Warlock... and I had a lot of sub-60 alts. After you've been level capped for so long and do all there is to do, it gets boring. And I've heard Cataclysm hasn't helped much.

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