Assassain hidden blade gear wanted

A freind asked me to find him someone who can make him a working hidden blade like the one from assassians creed. He wants it to be made out of metal and leather with the working gears and a 6 inch blade. He's a big AC nerd. Anyway he is wiling to pay and needs to know if anyone out here can/will make it. i figured since it involves gears that steampunk was close to this same thing? idk. if you think you can make this for him please email me at or send me a message on here telling me how long, how much. thank you.

he says he wants to be able to like flick his wrist and have the blade come out and press a button and have it go back in. idk. i dont do blacksmithing. lol

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0 replies since 25th November 2010 • Last reply 25th November 2010
