Help me!
I'm the newbie here and I'm not sure how to download pics . I wanted to reply to something on the Board and I have no idea how to get my pic there. I saw the formatting help on the right hand side of the reply box, but it didn't sink in. I am hoping someone can help me!
By download I'm going to assume you mean upload annnnddd
What you need to do is get yourself an account for a photo hosting website, i use [url][/url] and then when you upload a photograph to it from your computer, you're given a URL for that image. You then copy that URL (which will be listed under the photograph) and paste it into a reply box on the forum inbetween [IMG] and [ /IMG ]
And then when you post it should come up
I hope this helps!
yes. That is what I meant! ( it all started when I climbed out of bed this morning... everything was upside down!!) I have an account with photobucket- I'll have to look up my user and password since I haven't used it ages! Thank you for your help!
...we'll be doing some kinda photo uploader for the board at some stage soon (free hosting too, hurrah!), so that should make it a lot simpler, along with some nice buttons to do the BBCode for you
I looked but couldn't find where it said how to upload an image until after Roma responded! I already had a photobucket account! What you described sounds great so other newbies won't have the same problems! After trying to help my Dad who lives in FL and, well to put it lightly, He's an analog man living in a digital world", He has a computer and I have to try to teach him how to do email and how to download things, saving things, maneuvering the internet.. etcc..... all over the telephone! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Then he calls me yesterday evening saying he is going to buy a laptop cuz my stepmom is hogging the desktop pc!
sorry, I got off track...
I now understand that you have to put everything in very easy to understand steps because if you don't, someone will have a problem!
If you want to put a picture up from another internet site, then you right click on the image, and If you have internet explorer I *think* you click on 'Properties' in the drop down menu, and in the thing that pops up, you copy the location of the image, and that's the bit you paste inbetween the [IMG][/IMG]s but if you've got Mozilla then you can just right click and press 'copy image location'. and then copy it into the [IMG][/IMG]s
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