any fan of Make it or breake it?
I did gymnastic for several years and I just love this show!
I've just finished to see the firts season, for the second time I've cried a LOT
My favourite character is Lauren Tanner, I love the how her hair is braided each time in a different way
and of course I hate Kelly Parker..
So what do you think about it?
who can't wait for the second season to start?!
Oh I do.
I like Emily Kmetko, and Summer. I think summer is awesome
yeah I like Summer too
I'd like Emily to date Kaylie's brother insted of Damon...
me too!
what about chloe Kmetko and Mr Tanner? what do you think about them as a couple
they're nice together, but I think Lauren would die rather than accept chloe
thats what makes it so great
You're right about that Michelle. I don't like Lauren, she's too conniving and acts like a spoiled brat. Kaylie thinks she's the poo and, Emily has enough drama with her outrageous mom. Love Payson, drama free who has only gymnastics on her mind, too bad the accident but I seriously hopes she able to come back.
Carter is cute, but he messed up messing around with Lauren, but now because Kaylie continued to punish him for his bad judgement (which he deserved to some degree), she may have lost him for good (referring to last seasons final episode). I think Lauren should have kept her distance from him, knowing how Kaylie felt, but hey that's typical Lauren.
What do you think of Sasha and Summer together? I like them both too!
Did I mention that I love the show?! LOL
Lauren is very annoing but it's her role and I thin she play it very well, that's why I like her
Yesterday I've seen episod one from season two! and the second episod opens July the 5th...
I think summer will finally surrender to saha
Haha, yeah I know it's a role and because she plays it so well is why I don't like her. And wouldn't it be juicy if Summer did get with Sasha?
it would be!
Let's talk about Nicky Russo: WHERE IS HE???
and I have a question: the name "shelter pups" does it have another meaning or a double sense in english? It's not rocky at all :/
Not sure where Nick is, he has a thing for Payson but she won't give him the time of day and I think she likes him too, so what's the problem?
And you know how bands just come up with names for the group, go figure on that one cuz I'm not sure what the meaning is or if there is more than one.
remember pinkie promise. lol(a popular band)
yeah the summer-sasha thing, tean sumsha(SUMmer and saSHA)
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