prince of persia

what did you think of the movie?

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2 replies since 30th May 2010 • Last reply 30th May 2010

It depends. Did you play any of the games?

if you did, you'll like it. If you didn't, you'll be extremely confused and bored.

I loved it, mostly because I played it first. I loved when I saw the stuntmen doing things I'd done in the game. Admitedly, the story of the movie is not as good as the story of "the Sands of Time," but that is not why you'd go see it. The movie was awesome in general, mostly because it was really really fun to watch.

basically, the movie seems to be set before the game, with the prince (who is called Dustan, because movies can't get away with nameless protagonists) and the designated girl (whose name I forget, but seems most similar to farrah, except without a bow and with slightly more clothing) trying to prevent the sands from being unleashed and keep events in the games from ever happening.

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only watched people play the games, I found it a pretty good movie. It was odd that it was a Disney movie and there were no musical number lol

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