What's good on at the cinema at the moment?

I had a look on Thursday, but nothing good seemed to be on <!-- sHappy --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cats/disappointed.gif" alt="sad" title="sad" /><!-- sHappy --> . Any suggestions?

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19 replies since 9th July 2007 • Last reply 9th July 2007

Two words:

Harry Potter


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I thought Order of the Phoenix was HORRIBLE! Well it's not that bad but it's definitely the worst in the series. I just felt anxious for it to be over the whole time and regretted not just going to see Transformers for a second time. I'm a huge HP fan but I was disappointed in the last installment.

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Oh, was the Transformers movie good? I've heard bad things about it.

Harry Potter was alright but I've not read the books, so I wasn't looking in to it too deeply or anything.

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Well Transformers was bad!! except for the effects, which were brilliant. I am a new HP fan and cannot wait to see it!! While it was one of the worst books imo, it has some possibility for some great scenes.

Tonight I saw .. "Once" an Irish film about a busker who meets an immigrant girl interested in music too, it follows the week they spend together. I cannot express how much I loved this film!
The music just is brilliant. If Hollywood made it the ending would not have been this one, which was just the way it should have been.
I don't remember, if ever, the last film I wanted to immediately watch again, which I did with this one.

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I liked Transformers! But its one of those movies that's only going to look spectacular on a huge screen with crazy digital sound to blow your ears away. It was "Movie Theater" good, you know? I didn't like Harry Potter. I was bored. The only cool part was at the end when they were going to retrieve the prophecy from the ministry and all the Voldemort business. I don't know... just wasn't the greatest HP movie.

"Once" sounds interesting. Is it an Independent? They generally have better story lines AND better endings. What's a busker?

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A busker's someone who sings/plays an instrument in the street, usually for money.

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I think it was independent yes

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Ooh... so its like a panhandling musician? Gotcha, thanks! Yeah, some of the best movies created are Independents. They normally have smaller budgets so theres no real room for error or crappy plots, which leaves you with a better story. Most of the time. I think I might check out "Once". It seems like something I might be into. Don't know any of the actors though...

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The actors are real musicians and have made albums together before this(the guy and the girl) apparently it only took 17 days to make! and a very small budget($160,000), As of September 9, 2007, the film had grossed more then $9 million!!!!
I highly recommend it Happy
If you read about it here, it has some good info Happy

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The library only has the soundtrack so I'm not getting the movie for free lol. I checked the local video store and they have it so I'll check it out soon. I mean if a small budgeted independent has made $9 mill., then it has to be pretty good!

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I'm going to add Once to my rental list.

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yay Happy Don't listen to the music before you watch it though, coz it kinda the story Happy

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lol... thanks for the heads-up

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I recently saw SUPERBAD and have to say its one of the most honest and realistic (if you excluse the cops) film to deal with high school experience, as much as Art School confidential is off the Uni experience

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