where to find septum jewelry?

I just recently had my septum pierced and the retainer I have is too long to be flipped up inside to be concealed for work. I believe the one that I have is 8mm in length...So I am wonder where I can find shorter retainers?

btw my piercing is a 16gauge
I do have a rather small nose so this may be a difficult task...thanks for any help...

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4 replies since 10th July 2011 • Last reply 10th July 2011

etsy, ebay, amazon etc. if you're going to find it, it will be online. Make sure it's a 'trusted' site though, not a dodgy site (you probably knew that already though, lol)

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I've looked they don't give the length and if they do it's 8mm and that is too long thanks tho

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Seriously, they are wonderful.

and if it still exists, mspiercing.com. They have awesome customer service.
PiercedFish has better selection and easier navigation though.

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Thanx Monika I will check those out!!!

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