Where to find cute trouser socks?

I've wanted to try the socks and heels think for a while now but I haven't been able to find any cute socks. And I really wants some. Like these.

Just like neat patterns or something. Also. Sock garters? I would love a pair of those.

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2 replies since 28th May 2011 • Last reply 28th May 2011

I always wear cute socks like this. DEBS in the mall is a really good place to find funky socks. The one I used to work at had a whole wall of just socks Happy
Also try Target or Walmart they usually have some on clearence. Esp. good finds right after Halloween!

Khols and Ross also usually have pairs.

I like to wear my fun socks with flats as well as heels. Just an idea...

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I used to get my ALL my socks at DEBS. I still have a bunch of them. I always loooooved the sock wall! And I used to wear knee high socks with skirts everyday to school. And I will definitely check out Target next time I'm there. I love that store.

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