
Whats your confidence level? Do you feel pretty? How can you know? What do you do to feel naturally good?

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6 replies since 8th November 2009 • Last reply 8th November 2009

you need to look in the mirror and say I am beautiful everyday

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its not just looking in the mirror and saying "I am beautiful" its also feeeeeeeeeeeeling like you are beautiful as well. That helps a lot for me, get in your giggly-happy place and nothing else matters Happy

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if my confidence scale was between 1-10 id be a 4... i feel better when i get myself ready tho like clothes make up hair. good thing i live in ogden with a bunch of tooth less crack heads that puts me way up there lol jp

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sometimes i feel crappy and not worthy of my incredible life.
then i think, i got this incredible life, why waste it? and do things that make me feel better. i also feel like a bad person sometimes when i've done something i don't really understand i kissed a random guy a while ago,and i felt bad about that. but vera told me things happen how they happen and you can't change them. so just learn to live with them. and if things go wrong with a guy you like it crushes your confidence.
i write things i love on the shower door every morning, starting with i *heart* mom, and then just whatever comes into my mind. it used to be 3 things a day, now its more like 10 at least. i also think of things i like about me. my brother said something a while ago: if you'd drop your standard low enough, you'd already have a boyfriend. i think about that a lot, and it makes me feel better. it made me realize, that for everyone there are persons that find them good enough,and good enough is all you need to be.
so everyone, you're good enough!
i have good confidence now.

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The majority of the time my confidence is pretty rock bottom!! However I do get my moment where I get the bubbly giggly happy place and I feel sexy... tis not often though.

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