Interesting candies??
What are the most interesting candies you have tried?? I want to test taste some candies for a video i'm making, so thanks for all your responses.
BQ: Do any of you have DeviantArt??
Omigosh, there's this pickle, gravy and bacon flavoured candy canes I tried this year. People don't sell candy canes in our country beause it's actually not that popular, you could say that my country is a little old-fashioned LOL. But my friend gave me tons after her visit to america.
Cadbury Marvelous Creations jelly popping candy shells
My friend once tricked me into eating a bacon flavored jellybean , about a month ago I bought some wasabi candy, but after seeing my friends reaction after she ate I kinda got scared to eat it. So now it remains untouched on top of my bookshelf.
Jolly ranchers Lurrrrrrrrve them
i have dA
One of my favorites are anise hard candies
I like candies that fizz or pop. I love Zotz (hard candies that have a fizzy center), Pop Rocks, those fizzy "soda pop" candies that come in what look like little Sprite and Coke cans. I could eat them all day if they didn't irritate my reflux so much.
Japanese Kit-Kats come in interesting flavours. I've tried wasabi, ginger ale, sweet potato and green tea flavour which were all really nice.
Oh, I've tried those japanese kit-kats in strawberry! Yum~ I also like those chocolates called 'rosy's'.. Oh wait, I think it's 'roses'. Not sure but it's mainly found in England. They come in a Blue cardboard-ish box which can be recycled (smells like chocolates!) and inside are different wrapped chocolates in different flavours. It's been a long time since I've got to eat them my favourite ones were the strawberry ( chocolate with strawberry fillings ), Dark chocolate and orange-caramel. Haha, I've forgotten the taste but mostly remember the colors of the chocolates
. Purple, Bright emerald green, Yellow, Orange.
Holland and Barrett (UK healthfood shop) sell chai tea mints. I love them. I also love coltfoot rock but haven't seen any in years. Another favourite is treacle toffee flavoured mega lollies.
@ Syeyon K. - Did the candy cane taste good??
@ Anna Bean - Bacon jellybeans definitely sounds wacky and interesting I may have to try it!
@ MischievousRaven - What are Jolly Ranchers?? and what is your DA??
@ Jessie D - When I get my braces off, i'll definitely try them
@ AlterEgo Designs - I love them too ^^
@ Cat Morley - I've tried them before ^^ they are really yummy and wacky
@ Syeyon K. - They have them here in Australia too, they are quite yummy
@ Arty Kitkat - I will be testing all those lollies ^^
Has anyone ever tried a Kracie Candy Making set???
I forgot to say, I'm on DA too -
I like bacon and wasabi. You can't really guess the flavour of the gravy if you don't know that it is. But among candy canes, the Hershey's Mint is the best
@Arty Kitkat: I will friend you ^^
@Syeyon K.: EWWWW!!! but i will try it
jolly ranchers are fruity boiled sweets. . . but the flavour never goes away my dA account is
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