Your Favorite Parts About YOU!

35 replies since 22nd June 2008 • Last reply 22nd June 2008

Physically i would say my eyes but not because of the color because they're regular brown eyes but because of the shape...i've gotten a lot of compliments on them.

mentally/emotionally i like my always coming up with random things to do or say and it's been quite rewarding so far.

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My greeny-hazel eyes are easily my best physical feature. Emotionally, I am really proud of my ability to empathize with other people, especially others who have lived through traumatic things like abuse and serious depression. It means the world to me when someone tells me they feel safe talking to me about that stuff.

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You guys are bunch of cuties! ^__^

mentally/emotionally: I like my bubbly personality and the fact that my inner child loves to believe in the impossible, and the fact that I think true love conquers all.

physically: I like my eyes and smile..oh and my tattoo is freakin awesome. Happy

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WOAH! you really DO love disney! Happy that is an amazing tattoo though. Happy I love the "walt".

How old are you? In your icon, you look really young, but you look older in this picture, and you have a tattoo, so obviously you arn't like 12, lol.

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Yes I do, very much!

I know I look like a little kid lol I'll be 19 next friday actually. and yes, for my birthday I'll be going to Disneyland Tongue

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My favorite part about me is my eyes. They're dark brown and nobody can say no to them, or look away. Emotionally, its the fact that no matter messed up the situation, and I've been in some very very messed up situations, my heart stays strong and I never give up hope.

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