What's your nickname??
Some call me Loof (as in, a (not really) scandalous incident involving a loofah occured one time while camping...) My boyfriend calls me Koala Bear (or tiny person -,-) or Antimony, since my initials are the same as the chemical symbol for it: Sb. :3 He gets the not-so-cute chem nickname of Boron
Mine is either Sweetheart or Baby. :3
Mine is Mouse or squeak/squeaky, because I'm little and quite shy.
My boyfriend calls me smurf, again because im short.
My real name is Sophie but my best friend calls me sowie! Weird wright? :p
Some people used to call me "Die" because my name is Dianna,
not greatest nickname is it..
Most people just call me Joss or Jossie. I was cursed with a combination name and can't stand it. Joss is pretty much the shortened version of my god awful name.
OMG this is so SCARY!!!! MINE IS ONNIE TOO!!!!! :O when I find something unusual in common I feel scared LOLOLOLOL
candigoth as my friends thought that it was funny to call me candi when i was in full goth gear i lost the goth gear but the name stuck lol.
mine is DAKSHU....
People call me Flo, Flo Di, Flo Rida and a new one now is Flo Dizzles (kinda silly, right?)
My real name is Florencia Di Martino
my family nickname is Flor or Floppy (said with a spanish accent, 'cause I'm spanish)
Also sometime Dee Dee because of my last name
Sometime people call me Regan McNeil (the girl from the Exorcist/scary maze) because I like horror movies and I just happen to have very curly crazy hair
I don't have many now but in school I had a few. I got Pixie, I think it was just because I'm short but I'm not overly sure. One day a friend just called me it & it stuck for a while. The same guy called me Smurf because I'm short & my old webcam used it glitch & make me look blue. One that really stuck for a while was Bambi, most people called me it because I have big, round eyes but the real reason is from a rather explicit conversation with a few friends that I wont post on here, I'll just tell you I was referred to as Bambi & everyone kept calling me it because it was funny. Finally there was MmmBop, a reference to the song by Hanson because my last name is Hansen. It was just really my close friends that called me those though.
Now I get Georgie, Gee & my mum calls me George. I always wanted a really awesome nickname because a lot of my friends had them, a lot of my friends had the same names though so we had to give them nicknames. There wasn't anyone else called Georgia so I never got one that properly caught on.
Dee or Dee Dee
My family calls me Jay, short for Jamie. But my girlfriend calls me her Shooting Star because she said she always wished for happiness when she'd see a shooting star..and I turned out to be her happiness <3
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