Help? Travel crafts

I'm going on a longish trip on Thursday and I've been trying to think of something productive to do for ages but I just can't be a good idea.

Any thoughts on things that I could make on a bus?

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7 replies since 12th February 2013 • Last reply 12th February 2013

crochet or knitting. Maybe get a beginners crochet kit with some instructions-I'd say try to master the basics before your trip and then maybe make a scarf or hat, which for a beginner will take several hours.

Theres also origami- you just need shets of paper and instructions Happy

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Yeah crochet kit or maybe beading kit??

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I like to make friendship bracelets on long journeys. its a good idea to get the thread cut and tied together before you set off, so you dont need scissors or anything while you're travelling.

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Hand-sewing or quilting by hand, though it can take up a lot of space after a while.

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Thankyou all for your replies! I don't have much room cause its a bus with 50+ people. I've decided to make a crochet bag/satchel thing for a friend and a heap of paper stars. This should hopefully help make the terrible school camp a bit more bearable so thankyou for saving me with all your thoughtful comments!

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making friendship bands is a good idea...

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two postcards ,papers between in a folio.Decoration arsenal and you have a travel journal

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