
I'm Wendy. I live in Georgia. I am owned by 2 sugar gliders, Ming and Maxine. Because of my "sugar addiction"-lol I ran out at 1 am to Walmart and bought my first sewing machine. this was so I could make cage accessories for them as they can be a little expensive. I made one pouch that was horrible! So, here I am! People on glider websites don't share patterns,etc because they sell their products. I just want my girls to have good, handmade stuff for their cages! Hope to chat with you all and maybe others in my state!

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2 replies since 8th February 2013 • Last reply 8th February 2013

Hey there! Do you have a blog though?? That would be cool! Even if you don't I'm cool with it!
So um, I hope can get along well ...
Oh and WELCOME TO CO+K ( it's the initial of cutoutandkeep)

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hello wendy....welcome to the siteHappyHappyHappy

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