Friday Here Again!

As I’m sitting here playing with the puppy paws as he tries to sleep out of boredom and trying to figure out if I want to go out tonight or stay inside where it is warm. To craft or hit the town, hm… all depends on the weather now.

So COKs what will it be for you this Friday evening, going out or staying in to craft?

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3 replies since 19th January 2013 • Last reply 19th January 2013

I went out to dinner with a guy friend then taught him some basics of gesture and figure drawing. Fun night, overall.

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I'm a barlady so I was working. I only got home at around 3:30 then had to wake up at 8 this morning

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Dinner and drawning that must have been fun Monika. Rawr.Rawr like you i was out late too,we had a girls night out Friday and today we had over to watch the King Parade. It was awesome, a lot of great food, music, and craft vendors. Now I'm looking forward to going with the girls next year too. Hope you both had a great Saturday too. Happy

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