help me get crafty!!!!!
for christmas this year i have 3 teachers i really want to make a personal gift for.
the first loves art and english.
the second is my social studies teacher, runs craft clud (that i attend) loves trammping and also has a very sarcastic sense of humour.
the third is scottish and ultra nice.
for any ideas on what i could make them please comment or recommend projects that are already on the site.
thanks heaps and heaps
i look foward to your replys.
p.s cheap please
That's super sweet! I think your teachers will really love that you want to make them gifts, most teachers above grade school don't get anything for Christmas or teacher appreciation day from their students.
I think these book pendant necklaces are super cute and would make a good gift for a teacher-
Homemade lotion would make for a great gift for every teacher, we love things we can keep in our desk drawer and have on hand-
Also baked goods are a great way to go with any teacher-
Your Scottish teacher will probably appreciate something that reminds her of home, like a traditional Christmas Cracker-
Hope that all helps you out.
I think a neat gift for a teacher would be a big coffee mug full of personalized little gifts. Since mugs are easy to find, inexpensive, and come in all colors and patterns, it would be easy to make individualized little gift baskets with them.
You could personalize basic pens with air-dry clay and faux flowers and the like, and make all sorts of little stationery gifts.
I had an English teacher in my first year of college that loved the stationery I was making from newspaper comics and colored construction paper--I'd make envelopes from the comics and make blank newsprint cards with colored inserts.
My favorite resource for cheap crafts is -- there's everything from seasonal gifts to quirky trinkets.
thanks heaps guys!!!!!!! defintaly taking your ideas on board, i have painted a vintage looking glass bottle, am going to put nice flowers in it and going to make some cookies, yum!!! the scottish teacher doesnt actually teach me, shes a primary school techer who works with my mum, but i help in her class heaps and i hadnt though of doing something scottish (despite that being my place of origin) so will defintaly check out all of the links you both provided.
thanks lots the pic i have provided is of the bottles
and lots
p.s im 14 so im in college (not sure what grade that is in america) and pinkweeds your right, they dont get many prezzies so im happy to be able to personalize it with the ideas you guys have suggested

Age 14 is usually grade 8 or 9 in the USA. University's at age 18 or higher in most cases.
Good luck with your giftmaking. Post more pictures as you finish them
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