aaaaah the gods are angry at me!!

39 replies since 11th May 2008 • Last reply 11th May 2008

You're a nut, you're a nut- you're crazy in the coconut! This boy needs therapy, lie down on the couch. But what does it mean?!

And yes KK, i hate them too. I love summer.

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why do you hate us soooo!

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You're all there begging for some rain! no we've had enough Sad

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me thought so! I like rain! but last summer was ridiculous and it's gone a bit cooler now so I'm happy.

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Turns out it's a cyst. Ew!

If anyone searches Meibomian cysts on google, let me assure you it's nothing like those. You can't see this one, the doctor had to turn my eyelid inside out to see it.

apparently I could get it removed but that involves a local anaesthetic and scraping and it doesn't hurt most of the time so I'm refusing.

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Eurgh that's horrible. Will it just go away by itself?

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It says on the wiki page they may eventually go on their own, hope it does Happy

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Yeah, me too! I think I could live with it so long as it doesn't keep on inflaming and hurting. Also so long as it doesn't get bigger. If it gets noticeable i don't care how much of a horrific ordeal it is, it's getting scraped!

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yeh thats a good plan Happy

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judt had a quick look and there is much talk of treating it with steam/compress, have you tried? (im really mistrustful of GPs)

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Whaaaaat? But it's like... under my eyelid. in between that and the eyeball. No steaming plz!

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it said dont put it on it, just near it hang on i'll find said page

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Thankyou for caring about me enough to research it!

It's just the site says about eye drops, and the Doc didn't mention that at all, but you'd have thought he would if they existed.

I'm the opposite of you, I do trust GPs! It's the internet I don't!

Plus I really don't think steaming'll help this situation...

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fair enough, my personal experience with gps is pretty bad, so i'd probably try every old wives remedy first lol

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Yeah I know-it's difficult with GPs and counsellors and things. Once you've had trouble with one you never want to see another one again.

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